Barry's house

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On the way to Barry's house Shrek asked with blush on his face "where are we going Barry🙀🙀🙀🙀?" Barry looked down at Shrek and placed a kiss on his for head 💋💋 this made Shrek blush even more his face turned A darker red then Barry's heart pumping blood through his veins Barry then said "were going to my house." "B-b-b-b-but w-w-w-w-what about-" Shrek was cut off by Barry saying "don't worry about school I'll have my mom call and say we're sick." Shrek and Barry arrived at Barry's house and Barry took Shrek to his room and placed him on his bed Shrek put his hair into a bun so he could see Barry better to make sure he wasn't dreaming so his mom didn't awaken him. Barry sat next to Shrek and turned his head towards Shrek then they stared deep into oneanothers eyes and then Barry leaned forward leaving inches between there faces. 😵😵😵😵😵 "Barry..." Shrek said "yes my darling Shrek?" Said Barry, Shrek blushed even more and said " i-i-i-i like....... ONIONS" and slapped Barry across the face and said " HAHAHAHA YOU THOUGH I WAS GONNA SAY I LIKE YOU LOSER!" This made Barry furious and he was about to hit Shrek with and ultra powered slap then all of a sudden Shaggy ascended down to heaven and got hit by Barry " you...... just made the worst mistake in your entire life Barry Bee Benson...." Said shaggy and Barry new at that moment he was about to die he thought to him self 'maybe this is just a horrible night mare I'll wake up any second right??' And then Barry died do to shaggy's very powerful flick to his head and Barry bee Benson had died.

True Love ~ Shrek x Barry Bee Benson X ShaggyWhere stories live. Discover now