Chapter 5, Bestfriends.

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Hello! I'm the creator of Soul Saken, before you read this book I'd like to say that this book does have some slightly disturbing content, such as Gore, Violence, Sexual content, And mature themes some of these themes may trigger people so this is just a warning before hand! that's all you need to know before reading, enjoy the book  (Note!) this chapter contains a sex scene so this is a fair warning ahead of time! read at your own risk.

I ran home as fast as I possibly could to make sure my mom wasn't worried about me, oh and to get a new change of clothes of course, Sage was going to have to wait a little while longer.


"Hiro..? oh thank god! you're okay! where the hell were you!?"

"I.. I went to a party at a friends house and fell asleep there.. I'm sorry I didn't call or text.."

"What's all over your shirt?!"

"Ohh, I spilt fruit punch all over my clothes at the party, but I'm all good."

"Go upstairs and change so that dinners done by the time you come down"

"Oh.. yeah of course! I'll be back down in a bit."

"Thank you, Hiro!"

I walked up the stairs and opened the door to my bedroom grabbing clothes from my closet, and began undressing suddenly, my door swung WIDE open.


My eyes widen in shock as I saw Sage standing in the door way jawdropped in shock as I was currently just half naked, only in my boxers.

"OH MY GOD, SAGE KNOCK." I said rushing too put my shirt and pants on, in a panic.

"Wow.. now I can say you were the first guy I saw half-naked." Sage laughed, crossing his arms.

"Wonderful... you know there's a door for a reason!" I said rolling my eyes, sighing

"And why would I knock! I was in a panic because I didn't know if you were dead or not.. you would've done the same don't even lie." Sage laughed looking at me.. and he was so right, I would've done the same thing, I guess I'll cut him some slack.

"Okay, okay, fine understandable." I said laughing, before I sighed once again.

"Dude, what's that really good smell?" Sage said sniffing the air, what a weirdo I thought to myself, cracking a slight smile.

"Oh, that's probably my Mom's cooking, she's a good cook I was actually just about to go down to dinner wanna come eat with us?" I suggested, plus my Mom wouldn't mind the extra company.

"Oh, fuck yeah I do! her food smells amazing." Sage nodded happily a big grin on his face.

"Let's head down right now, my Mom will be pissed if I'm not down for dinner soon, she hates eating alone without me." I laughed opening up the door to my bedroom starting to walk down the stairs.

"Dinners almost done you boys take a seat."

"Thanks Mom."

"Thank you ma'am!" 

"No problem!"

"It's my pleasure, oh! and I'm really happy  you're eating with us today Sage It's always nice to have some extra company." My Mom smiled warmly to Sage turning back around to continue making dinner.

"Oh, I'm happy to your food smells amazing Ms. Suzuki." He smiled back to her, before looking back at me.

I chuckled a bit, my mom came over and placed down our plates in front of us and we began to eat the delicious dinner my mom made for us.

"So? you boys interested in any girls?? 

"Not really, I don't get into relationships I think they're a waste of time at my age."

"That's not what you told me Hiro!! you said there's this girl from class 3-8 that you think is pretty"


"No, no don't act like its a big thing all I said was that I think she's pretty, not that I'd date her it was a simple compliment."

"Sure, sure whatever you say Hiro....!!"

My mom and Sage both laughed at me, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed I don't like the girl from class 3-8 sure I think she's pretty but I wouldn't date her, but I'll let them have their moment.

"How about you Sage?"

"Me! uh well.. I'm not really sure!"

"Alright, are you boys all finished with your plates?"

"Yeah Mom I'm all finished, I'm not sure about Sage though."

"Me! oh yeah I'm all done!!"

"Alright, you boys go and have your fun I'm gonna clean up."

"Alright, see you in a bit mom"

Me and Sage headed back up the stairs to my room, I walked over to my bed and sat down in it, patting a spot besides myself. "Alright, Sage me and you need to talk."

"Oh shit! yeah I wanted to hear the details about last night."He came and sat down in bed with me, looking at me intentively waiting for the details.

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