Chapter 9, Changes.

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Hello! I'm the creator of Soul Saken, before you read this book I'd like to say that this book does have some slightly disturbing content, such as Gore, Violence, Sexual content, And mature themes some of these themes may trigger people so this is just a warning before hand! that's all you need to know before reading, enjoy the book

I felt my eyes, grow heavy and everything began comeing back too me I felt the warm embrace of my friend, I have never felt so cold, I heard the sounds of voices surronding me but It all felt as if It were a ringing in my ear.


"Is it you Hiro?"

"It's.. so cold, I want to go home."

"I'm sorry, kid but It's to late to go home."

"I miss her.. I miss everything.. I wanna go back."

"Come on Gabriel.. let's get him back too the house."

For the first time in along time, Sage didn't seem his useual happy jokeing self, he was concerned for me.. I could see it on his face.

"Hiro, If I find out who did this to you, they'd better wish they were dead."

"Sage, no if we find out who did this doing something like that would get you killed.. or worse."

"Alright lovebirds that enough chit-chat, that voice I heard on the recording sounds familiar so I know I've met this person before."


"Wait! Gabriel if you know this person, wouldn't Maria know them to? what if we ask her?"

"Hiro.. I don't know we can't risk being around her.. the longer we're around the lost, the more we follow their path sooner."

"Gabriel, please It's the only shot we have at finding out who did this to me."

"Hiro I don't know.. It's dangerous, we don't even know your strength and how much you can take being around the lost, I mean some 'Demons' are stronger then others to this stuff, some are weaker, we'd be playing a game of luck."

"Gabe! my man, come on my bestfriend oh ahem, Hiro he is so strong, strongest man that I know."

"Wow, Hiro your friend here really thinks highly of you huh?"

"Seems like it.." 

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