arrivals in auradon

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I was curled on mals lap while she petted my head and no I wasn't in cat form. I was just so small I could fit on her lap.
Evie then stroked behind my ear causing me to let out a low purrr. "Kat, are you nervous about going to auradon?" Questioned Mal in a soothing tone she reserved only for me. I nodded as she continued to pet my head.

I was jolted from my sleep when the car came to a stop and the doors open. The first out were jay and Carlos who were fighting fell out. I was too scared so I transformed into my cat form, Mal carried me in her arms as she and Evie left the car.

The fairy godmother greeted, "Leave it like you found it! And by that, I mean just leave it."
Jay then proceed to flirt with the girl that stood next to a boy with a crown on his head. Typical jay for you. "Hello foxy,"
The girl let it a false laugh laugh. Just after the fairy godmother welcomed us to auradon. She introduced herself as headmistress.

Mal spoke up for the first time with me in her hand, "the fairy godmother as in bibiti- bobbidi boo?"

"Bibbidi-bobbidi. You know it." when Mal continued her line of questioning as she stroked behind my ear. The only response she got was, "That was a long time ago. And as I always say, "don't focus on the past or You'll miss the future."

She then indicated for a pair to step forward. They looked huge but in my tinny kitten form everybody looked huge. The handsome boy introduced himself as Ben before a rude girl butted in and and told us his title as future king.

Ben's pov:

I met all the knew vks but I thought there was 5 not 4. I then looked at the cutest kitten I have ever met. I then asked Evie daughter of the evil Queen who was stroking it, "who is this cute kitty?"

Jay, son of jafar, laughed at my question. Carlos hit him around the head. Carlos then spoke softly to the kitty, "change back darling so you can say hello."

I was confused for a moment before Mal put down the cat and it changed into a small little girl around 16 but looked like a lost little baby. She had ears pitched on the top of her head, she wore a pleated skirt and a shirt. A collar around her neck. I held my hand out for her to shake.

 I held my hand out for her to shake

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She gingerly shook my large hand with her miniscule one

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She gingerly shook my large hand with her miniscule one. She was the sweetest thing I had ever seen. I then felt my daddy instincts hit me, she was a little, I wanted her to be my little.

After jay came over and took her under his arm. We lead them on a tour Audrey being her usual self, I had told her that she was not my girlfriend but she wouldn't listen but now I have the perfect little girl just of my reach I wouldn't let her stop me.

Katherine CheshireWhere stories live. Discover now