Chapter 6

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I was mildly jealous having to watch him take the other girls out individually, hoping they weren't as exciting as mine was. Hoping he didn't sleep with any of them. I heard him come home late after his last individual date with Hailey. She came back to the room, seemingly happy. I watched her for a minute, "I can't sleep. I'm gonna go downstairs." I saw her just nod as I went downstairs, knocking on Steve's door.

He answered with a smirk, wearing only jeans, "can I help you? What are you still doing awake?" He looked down, noticing her in his shirt that he gave her with no pants on.

I watched him change out of his jeans, into shorts in front of me, "I couldn't sleep."

He smirked again, approaching her, resting his hands on her waist, "is it that, or are you jealous?"

I bit my lip as I wrapped my arms around his neck, "both?"

He laughed, "what are you worried happened?"

I shrugged, not wanting to admit the insecure thoughts my brain made up while he's been gone. I ran my hands down his arms, back up to his shoulders and down to his chest, resting them there. "I don't know."

He nodded, running his fingers through her long brown hair, "I didn't kiss them like I kissed you. No tongue, and I certainly didn't sleep with any of them. I promise."

I nodded, smiling, "okay."

He watched her hesitate, not moving, "what?"

I shrugged, "can I sleep with you? Just sleep."

He nodded, "I'd like that." He turned off the light, grabbing her hand as he led her to his bed.

I crawled into the bed as he crawled in next to me, pulling me to him. I felt him kiss my head as I closed my eyes.


I woke up the next morning before the sun to Steve cupping my cheek with his hand. I moaned softly, opening my eyes into his, "hi."

He smiled, "good morning pretty girl. You should probably go back to your room before the other girls wake up."

I groaned, but nodded, "kiss me first?"

He nodded, "I planned on it."

He moved his hand from my face to my thigh as I felt his lips against mine, making me moan again. He ran his hand up, under my shirt to my waist as I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer to me. I heard him moan as he trailed his hand up, feeling me wearing no bra under his shirt as he fondled my breasts. I felt him gently take my right nipple between his fingers, rolling and pulling, making me moan into his mouth as I felt him hard against me.

Steve pulled away, "you should really go while I still have self control. It's waning quickly love."

I nodded, pulling his lips back to mine once more before I got out of his bed. I turned back to see him watching me as I left his room. I made it back to mine to find my roommate still asleep. I slipped into my own bed, staring at the ceiling as I thought about Steve's lips on mine, his hands on my body. I couldn't sleep. Finally I heard her get up, taking it as my cue to get up and get dressed too.

When I made it down to the kitchen I found Steve with the other three girls. I watched him pull out four straws, cutting two of them shorter as he held them in his hand.

"I need two dates to one of Tony's parties tonight. Short straws get to come." He holds it out to green eyes first, hoping for her to pull a short straw. He tried to contain his smile as she did. He watched Kelly pull the other one. "Great! I'll see you both tonight."

I followed him to his room, knocking on the open the door, "Steve."

He turned around when he heard her, "hey."

"I was wondering if I could borrow some colored pencils."

He smiled, "of course. In fact." He pulled out the chair to the table, "sit. Use whatever you want. I'll be at the compound most of the day." He grabbed her hand, "I'm looking forward to dancing with you later though."

I smiled, "me too Steve." I felt him hesitate before bringing his hand up to my cheek, kissing me softly before pulling away.

"I look forward to more of that too."

I chuckled, taking a step towards him, "me too. And maybe sleeping with you again?"

He nodded, "that could be dangerous. I could barely stop myself earlier."

I giggled, "I know. Me too. Do we have to stop ourselves?"

"I don't know yet. I have to go though. I'll see you tonight." He kissed her on the cheek once more before leaving her alone in his room.


I arrived at the compound with Kelly. I decided on a long blue, strapless dress with a slit up the left leg. We entered the party to a few people looking at us, but tried to ignore it as we walked up to Steve who kissed us both on the cheek.

"You guys both look great." He turned to Kelly, holding his hand out to her to dance.

I saw him wink at me as he walked out to the dance floor with her. I blushed, going to the bar, finding Natasha there with Bucky, "hey guys."

"Green eyes!"

I laughed at Bucky as he leaned down, kissing me on the cheek, "don't call me that."

He shrugged, "why not, he does."

I poked him in the chest, "well you aren't Steve. Do you think I should tell him I'm related to Tony?"

"No. Definitely not."

I rolled my eyes, turning to see Tony behind me. "Uncle Tony, aren't we lying to him?"

He shrugged, "omission is not lying."

I scoffed, "it kind of is." I felt a hand on my back, knowing it was Steve before I turned around.

"Dance with me."

I nodded, smiling, "of course." I let him lead me to the dance floor, placing a hand at the nape of his neck as he held my other hand in his. I felt him place his free hand on the small of my back, pulling me to him.

He looked down at her, "I want to kiss you, but don't want to make Kelly jealous."

I laughed softly, "later?"

He nodded, "I hope so."

"I left you something on your art table."

He smiled, "you did?"

I nodded, "yeah. I hope you like it."

"I'm sure I will. I think it's pretty obvious by now that you don't have to worry about me not noticing you by the way."

I groaned, "been talking to Bucky?"

He smirked, nodding, "of course. There's a reason they've visited. He's also the reason I sent Allison and Sandra packing."

"You didn't have to do that for me."

Steve nodded again, "I did."

Our dance was interrupted as I watched a blonde come up to us, whispering in his ear. He turned to me, "excuse me."

I shrugged, going back to Bucky at the bar, "what is going on. Who is that?"

"That's Sharon Carter, his ex girlfriend."

"Oh." I nodded, wondering what was going on. I watched Steve come back up to me, upset, "follow me." He looked at Bucky, "you too."

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