Letter Number Twenty One

21 3 0

Dear God,
When I awoke Trey had left. It was 2 in the afternoon so I had slept a whole day. The words "I think I love her" floated in my head all day.

Today was the day the nausea started. Headaches were horrible but it was nothing compared to this. Constant twisting of my stomach. Nonstop vomiting. It came out a complete form of liquid. It was strait up acid.

Trey came and held my hair back for me. He stayed for 17 hours. I love him. Don't take me now. I want to grow old, possibly with him. I don't want my life stripped from me. I want to live for him even if he doesn't care for me. I don't believe what I think he said yesterday. He obviously didn't mean it.

Please help.


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