Chapter 1 : Goodbye....

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When dream had escaped after all the lore on stream, He went to find George,
He found George after a while of searching for him but he saw sapnap with him so he went ahead and goes in speed-run stile in full speed and took George away.
Sapnap of course was chasing after dream,
dream put George down and pecked his lips whispering into his ears "I love you" then passing him a note before running off.
Sapnap ran up to George asking him if dream hurt him but George just said no and ran off,
The note said "go back to the place we confessed" George waited for sapnap to sleep and went back.
When he was there he saw a letter on the tree,
It Said :
"Dear, George, I'm sorry I became this mess. I would really love to apologize to everyone but I don't have the chance. Even my best friend hates me. You're the only one I can trust right now love, please give me another chance?"
 George heard a a voice from the background he turned and saw dream,
George immediately ran into his arms and they hugged,

"I love you too....."

George said "I loved you, George" after saying that dream stabbed George in the back with a meatal knife.
George was shocked and tears started to fill his eyes
 "Why?..... Why dream?...." He said with a soft voice.
Dream let go of him from the hug and says
 "I'm sorry George. I did love you but connections are useless. You will have broken up with me eventually anyway so it was just a madder of time" Dream said.
 George fell to the ground and said with his last bit of breath before death
 " I...........Still...........Love..............You.................<3 "
 with that George smiles and dies.
 Dream is in shock and re-thinking about what just happened and thought to himself

 "What have i done?...." 



Goodbye My Love... ~ Dnf ~ Karlnapity ~Where stories live. Discover now