Chapter 5 : A new start? A new end? A ne-

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Dream was never able to forgive himself fully
he still felt so much gilt built inside him just always wanting to burst 
 no madder how much everyone says they forgive him he can never look at everyone the same as the day they met.

 I hurt them......

 I made them feel pain......

 I killed some of them.....

 I made them cry.....

 I dont deserve there forgiveness....

 I don't deserve to live...

 I cant live knowing what i did.....

 The pain I CAUSED....

 the people I HURT . . . . . . . .. . .. . . ..

 i   cant  go   on....

 not like this...

 not like . . . ..

 Ȁ̸̕ ̷̙͑ m̷̄̈́o̵̔́n̷̽͒s̷̈́͊t̶̓̀ë̸̛r̵̅̋ . . . . . . . . . .. . .............

 Dream writes an apology note to everyone and sent it to them when everyone is asleep.
He heads to the place him and George confessed.

 the place were...

The pace were...

I killed the love of my life...

my sun...

 my stars...

my plaint....

my life...

my everything...

 i killed them.....

Dream as tearing up when he got there
he pulls out tnt,
a lighter,
 and a note with writing on it.
he placed all the tnt down and set the note next to him 
 he lights the tnt
as the place is exploding he thinks of all the happy memory's with everyoneand his brain
and his emotions are conflicting and fightinghis brain 

as he hears the tnt and fells the pain on him he knows its the end and excepts this ending for him





Goodbye My Love... ~ Dnf ~ Karlnapity ~Where stories live. Discover now