♥︎- epilogue.

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surprise yall hahaha


in a spine chilling night of december, where new york's covered with white thick blanket of snow, there sits an artist, near a big window. the twenty four year old artist has his hands smeared with paint, painting a portrait of his beloved muse. careful details, different colors, types of brushes, two big palettes rested beside him, is all that matters the most to him right now.

not caring about his coffee getting cold.
not caring he has tweleve missed calls from an unknown number.
nothing matters more than this portrait right now.

it took him thirteen hours to complete that painting. moving his hand swiftly yet gracefully, he drew his signature.

"kim jeongguk" wait- did he just write kim jeongguk? holy shit. he has to cover it with white paint. don't get me wrong. jeongguk still couldn't find taehyung anywhere. after an year of their separation, jeongguk flew here to new york. he started his own art store where he sold his arts and in a span of six months, he became famous. and that's how his journey as an artist starts. he tried searching of taehyung everywhere, but he found no trace of his beloved.

"oh shoot, i am out of white paint.. i have to go to the store instantly" and so does he, he wore his fur jacket, his woolen cap styled with a pair of black jeans, not forgetting to wear his mask. he doesn't like being the center of attention. he locked his apartment and got out. jeongguk had to walk for fifteen minutes straight since he lives not much away from times square.

jeongguk was wondering that if there are chances of meeting him, not that he wants something fantasy shit to happen. he was just wondering. he smiled as he remembered his eyes, his smile, his pet names. their college life. he was too immersed in his thoughts to even notice someone walking in the same direction- he kept walking while smiling stupidly until he felt his head getting bumped on something- or rather someone.

jeongguk didn't even look up knowing his cheeks are crimson red out of embarrassment. he looked at the spilled latte on the ground before quickly bowing up and down, an act of being really 'sorry'. gosh- how stupid of him, spilling someone's drink just because he was busy. "oh my god sorry i didn't notice you, i was too busy in my own thoughts- here uh-" he fiddled with his purse before taking out two five-dollar bills, handing it to the person in front of him.

"take this money please.. i really didn't mean to do it.."speaking with his guilt filled voice, he slowly looked up.

those brown eyes..
the ones he was longing for to see for years now.

those lips..
the ones he desperately wanted to kiss again.

that face..
the one he remembers blindly.

that person..
he was madly in search of.

kim taehyung, was his name.


"jeongguk baby.."

they couldn't believe their own eyes. as for taehyung- jeongguk has become more masculine with some more piercings, he was wearing his signature colored, black clothes. he has tattoos on the back of his palm. his body is so much built up now, but his face.. still the same as he remembers. too tough to see, too soft to touch. he has changed so much but he still recognized him. his baby. it was jeongguk he bumped onto.

on the other hand jeongguk was in awe to even talk. he was too shooketh to even process his sub conscious mind. he noticed the MacBook he was holding, a polaroid of their picture sticked on it. the one which was given by jeongguk to taehyung on his birthday. taehyung seems more broad and taller than ever, sharp gaze, soft eye lids, brown eyes, his brown hair now colored in silver. he has changed alot yet it didn't take a second for him to recognize his one only.

his boyfriend, his beloved muse, the person he has been searching everywhere for. it's taehyung he is facing right now.

taehyung quickly handed his belongings to the guard standing beside him as he ran and took his boyfriend in a big tight hug. man, did he miss his warmth. "i missed you.." he trailed off. nuzzling his head on jeongguk's neck deeply as tears started to fill his eyes. it all felt too real, too overwhelming.

jeongguk hugged him by his waist tightly as he let out "i love you" he started crying more on his shoulder, almost wetting the latter's now gucci coat. the broke the hug and pressed their foreheads together with their eyes closed, still hugging. "we have a lot to talk about huh?" taehyung let out,, making jeongguk nod hid head in agreement and they chuckled.

was it all surreal. they were fazed by themselves, not caring about the world, not caring over guard wiping his own tears. moreover- not caring the now wasted coffee, staining jeongguk's three dollas ekspensibe shoe.

and they met, again. and this time, it was bound to happen.

universe is really something else.

it all started with a simple friendship,
but now they are here, still continuing their lives after years.
they are the right people who met at the wrong time.

everyone has a soulmate, who are assigned before their birth. fate will never stop playing its games neither destiny will stop continuing itself. no one knows who is their soulmate unless they meet. not always the people you love are your soulmate nor all the strangers you meet are bad.
that is universe.
it has everything planned since the start; so watch out, don't get yourself involved in relationships, the right one will always come at right time ;)

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝.


hope everyone enjoyed this whole book💗
thank you for reading <3
don't forget to read thanksgiving and q&a chapter btw !!

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