Nishinoya x BookWorm!NB!Reader

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Nishinoya had a crush on both Kiyoko and (Y/n). He couldn't decide who he lived more, and the only person that knew about his crush on (Y/n) was Tanaka.

(Y/n) was one of Noya's childhood friends. They were both 2nd years and they were best friends since day one. Both of them were eccentric people and the reason they got along so well was that their personalities collided so well together.

(Y/n) didn't play a sport, instead they were in the drama club and usually spend a lot of time in the drama studio. It was why Noyq loved them; he loved their passion for acting and their confidence. But because he spend more time looking at Kiyoko, that's all why he loved her. And poor Yuu Nishinoya was conflicted about who he loved.
“Seriously dude, you should tell them. What if they like you too?” Tanaka said, giving his best friend a playful punch to the arm.

Noya sighed, shaking his head. “I can't! I love them, don't ge'me wrong. But I love Kiyoko too! I don't wanna disappoint them by also liking her.” When he admitted that he felt a twinge at his heart like whatever he said made him hurt inside.

Tanaka sighed, “Noya, you need to stop. Seriously, you talk about them all the time! Come on, when you get with them, you’ll forget Kiyoko even exists! Well...not literally but you know ehat I mean!” He said, crossing his arms, proud of his statement.

Nishinoya laughed and nodded, “Whatever. I'll ask them out on a date afterwards!” He said and smiled before running over to the court, ready to start their match.

(Y/n) didn't have drama club after school that day, and decided that they should go watch their friend in volleyball. They walked out their classroom and headed outside and over the gym, going up the few stairs before pushing open the door as quietly as they could.

They walked beside Kiyoko and smiled, saying hi to their friend. They turned to watch Noya

Their eyes widen when they saw their friend- crush okay and a pink blush coated their cheeks. The ball was coming right for the edge of the court, a smirk immediately replacing the concentrated look on Noya's face.

He turned, his head darting to the ball before he sprinted over, diving onto the floor, his hand called in a fist, hitting the ball into the air. “One touch!” He yelled as it went into the air, being recieved once more before spiked to the other side.

(Y/n) watched in awe as their crush moved around skillfully to receive the ball. It was then that Noya noticed them, and putting on an act he grinned and waved. When he left the court in place of Tsukishima, he ran over. “(Y/n)! Hi! I didn't notice you.”

(Y/n) smiled and high fived the happy looking male who was the same height as them. “Well...I didn't have drama club today so I thought I'd come watch you play.”

Noya rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “Ah, so you've been watching for a while?” He asked as he watched everyone else practise.

“Sort of. I came here before you received the ball. Hey— what's a one touch?” They asked. But the thing was (Y/n) knew what it was. They just wanted Noya to explain. They loved whenever he rambled about volleyball because it made them happy hearing him get all excited.

Noya put his hand on his hips proudly and began to explain, going into a lot of detail which was kind of new for the libero, he didn't usually speak fondly with detail about things.

“Oh, (Y/n)! I was meaning to ask...” He said and looked down nervously. “Would you like to hang out after practise? I wanna take you somewhere!”

(Y/n) laughed and they smiled. “How sweet of you, Noya. Or course! I don't mind going out at all. But you'll have to let me go home and-”

“No! Nono, no need. Just come with me afterwards! You don't have to change.” Noya interrupted with a bright grin. Despite being confused, (Y/n) nodded and waited for the game to finish.

When practise was over, Noya grabbed his bag and walked over to (Y/n) leading them out the building and into the slightly bust street. A new cafe had opened and he thought it was the best place to bring his friend that was a big book worm.

He smiled and opened his arms when they stood outside it. “Its a bookshop cafe! You love reading so I thought you'd like it.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

He looked at the stunned face that (Y/n) had and laughed before pulling them inside and sitting them down at a table next to a book shelf. Noya didn't mind if they read a little before they ate. He even wished the waiter away and nudged to them to come back later.

When (Y/n) put the book back, they're felt Noya's hand grab theirs and their eyes turned to his. The male took a breath before speaking. “Hey, (Y/n)...” He said. “I wanted to bring you here because the truth is I...I love you! I wanna...I wanna be with you!”

(Y/n) felt their heart rate quicken and they laughed, giving Noya's hands a small squeeze. “I'm surprised you like me and kept it from me. I love you too! I'd love to date you.”

Noya grinned and nodded with a bright smile, leaning over the table and pecking their lips. “Then you better let me spoil you rotten, My Little Monster~” He said and kissed their hands for a second time.

The nickname made (Y/n) rather embarrassed but they nodded all the same and giggled. “Yeah, and you can do whatever you want if you think it'll make me happy.”

“Hey, (Y/n).”


“I love you. So, so much...”

“I love you too, much as well.”

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