Chapter 1

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I put down my textbooks and sighed deeply. School was the last thing I wanted to do right now. My phone started to ring and I picked it up, expecting it to be one of my parents saying they're running late or something. I answered the call and instantly realized something was wrong. "Is this Zoe Duncan, daughter of Emma and Zach Duncan?" The voice on the other end asked. "Y-yes" I replied nervously. "I'm sorry but at the hospital there was a fire and let's just say they didn't quite make it out in time." I couldn't believe it. My parents, dead? It couldn't be. They were all I had. I put my phone down and rolled into a tight ball. With tears slowly rolling out of my eyes, I grabbed my necklace tightly. It was all I had left of my parents now. I took it off and opened it to see a picture of my parents and me. I could remember this moment like it was yesterday. It was my first dance competition. We had just placed first. My mother had given me a bouquet of lilacs to celebrate. It was one of the best moments of my life. I smiled at the memory. There would be no more of that now. I was alone. No parents, no nothing. Just me. My dog, Buttercup, jumped onto my lap licking my hand and I let out a laugh. "That's right, I have you too."

Going to school the next day wasn't easy. I hadn't told anyone yet of course, as it would lead to me being put in foster care. I was eleven therefore I could take care of myself, right? Either way I made myself some cereal for breakfast and decided to just buy lunch. At least I had theatre today. That always cheers me up. I was sitting in class being the introvert I am when Mr. Evans announced that we would be seeing Six the musical! I was super excited. Six was one of my favorite musicals. Maybe this day wouldn't be so bad after all.

I was beginning to think I had a chance until Henry and his gang came up to me. Everyday was the same with them. It seemed like they wanted to do everything they could to hurt me. I had given up on fighting against them. I knew there was no point anymore. I had learned my lesson the first few times. Standing up against them would just mean punishment for you. That's how I first got myself in this mess.

"What do you want now?" I groaned. "Oh just you know, the usual. You." Henry laughed at his own joke with the others quickly following his lead. I sighed and started to walk away when I felt a hand grab the back of my neck. "What do you think you're doing?" I heard a voice yell. I felt the hand quickly let go of me and I smiled gratefully at the teacher. "Are you okay?" She asked. I nodded and quickly ran off to my next class.

As I got home I grabbed a quick snack and ate it while finishing my math homework. I then opened up my journal to begin writing a new entry. Today really wasn't that bad after all. I found out I'll be seeing one of my favorite musicals and someone actually stood up for me. Maybe I could survive this. No. I will survive this. Because I'm Zoe Duncan, a warrior at heart. If anyone could survive this, it would be me.

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