Chapter 1

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"I'd like to introduce you all to the new captain of Station 19. Captain Robert Sullivan." said Fire Chief Ripley.

I couldn't help but smile at the figure in front of me.  He looks like he was made for this position.

"Glad you're here. Why don't we go around and introduce ourselves?" said my father.

"Lieutenant Jack Gibson"
"Victoria Hughes"
"Dean Miller"
"Ben Warren"
"Travis Montgomery"
"Lieutenant Maya Bishop"

Everyone shook his hand firmly wanting to make a good impression but when it was my turn, I couldn't help but soften to his touch. I felt eyes piercing through my brain and I knew it was my father's.

"Lieutenant Andrea Herrera" I said as I swiftly let go of his hand. Maya looked at me confused but I didn't look at her.

He made his way back to where Ripley and my father was standing.

"Thank you everyone. First I'll start with line-up, then I would like to meet with the three lieutenants."

Everyone headed inside and lined up. Miller, Warren, Montgomery, Hughes, Bishop, Gibson the myself at the end of the line.

He adjusted Warren's collar, Montgomery's belt, Gibson's bugle and then he adjusted my badge.

"I'll meet with Bishop first. Meet me in my office in five minutes. Dismissed."

Everyone went to the beanery except Ripley and the new captain.

20 mins later

"Jack, captain is ready for you." Maya said as she walking into the beanery.

"How was it?" I asked her.

"It was surprisingly good, he asked about what I think each member strong points and what I think the team needs to improve."

"Oh okay cool" I replied.

10 mins later

"Herrera, he's ready for you." Jack said

"Okay thanks." I replied

I got up and made my way to his office. I knocked on his door and I immediately heard "Come in!" I opened the door and walked in.

"Captain you wanted to see me?"

"Yes. Please have a seat." he said gesturing to one of the seats in front of his desk.

"Herrera what do think is each member's strength?"

"Well Warren and Montgomery is aid car for sure but Warren is really good at exac also, he can calm someone down very easily, Gibson also. Hughes is great at ladder and Dean and myself for engine."

"Ok great" he replied.

"What do you think I can do to improve this station?" he said after a few seconds of silence.

"I think more training and fitness needs to be done, on a routine."


He got up from his chair, walked around his desk, now in front of me knelt down in to my level and put his face close to my stomach.

Out of routine before he could say anything, my hand slid to the back of his neck.

"Hey kiddo, please keep mommy safe today." he said in a soft voice. The voice I was accustomed to at home.

"Before she does any crazy stunts, kick her and yell mommy, dada needs you!"

I chuckled as he caressed my unnoticeable bump.

"You have on your ring?" I inquired

"Yes, I'm married you know" he said jokingly.

"I know, but what if someone asks..." I said softly

"Hey, look at me" he said before lifting my chin with two fingers so I can look at him in his eyes.

"I don't mind people knowing you are my wife but I understood why you want to keep this a secret my love, and if someone were to ask if I am married, I will simply say yes I am married but I prefer to keep my personal and professional life separate."

I smiled thinking how great it sounds to be called his wife.

"What?" he questioned noticing my smile.

"You would think after five years I get accustomed being called your wife. Everytime you call me your wife I get butterflies." I said shyly

"I love you" he laughed

"I love you too" I giggled

As we were leaning in to kiss, the alarm went off requesting me on the aid car. He dropped his head in disappointment as I swiftly get up and made my way to the door.

Before I could move any further, he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close to him. I love the way my body melts into his frame.

"Hey kiddo, keep mama safe today okay, I love you both so much." he said leaned into my belly

"Bye babe, we love you too" I said as I pulled the door knob to leave.

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