Sharks and Murder

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*Disclaimer: I am not Rick Riordan, so I don't own pjo or hoo*

Hey guys! So I thought I would try to do this kind of fanfiction. If it is bad, please nicely say so. There will most likely be two or three memes per chapter, but that might change. Enjoy!


Piper:Percy you absolute idiot! You thought that talking to a shark was going to get us answers?

Percy: Umm, Annabeth said it was okay. Besides, we now know that they were here 8 years ago!

Piper: That literally gets us nowhere.

Percy:It gets us to the fact that they were here years ago. Also, don't be mean to the shark!

Piper: *Face palm*


Hazel: What does takeout mean?

Frank: Food

Leo: A date

Annabeth: Murder

Percy: I mean, it could be all three. You and your date get takeout, then you murder them. Simple.


Hey guys! So This was a silly, random idea I had and thought you might enjoy. Please don't forget to comment and follow me! Bye!!!!!!!!


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