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Hello demigods, it's Missy. I just need to apologize for the lack of updates. I have been super swamped lately, with ends of school rapidly approaching. Test prep, regular school work, homework, and maintaining a healthy social life are super hard. In the words of my math teacher, The last quarter is the easiest to fail with how little there is and how much each assignment is worth. Focusing on school is and always has been my top priority. With that being said, I'm  super sorry, but I will be taking a break for my mental health and to focus on school. The next update will probably be early to mid May. After that, I will try to update regularly(ish). My update "schedule" will be every Tuesday and every other weekend.

Farewell, fellow demigods 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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