Little Space

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A/N: Yo yo sorry for not updating as much I'm going through some shit and have had two panic attacks today, Y'know- mental health n shit- Anyways- Story-
Mari gave me a warm embrace, gently wiping my tears from my face, still, I couldn't keep them in no matter how much I tried and began bawling my eyes out, next thing I knew I was on my knees, on the floor gasping for air, I've had panic attacks in before, when Mari introduced me to her friends, but never as bad as this.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and Mari knelt down infront of me
"Gami, can you feel my hands?"
I slowly nodded, unable to speak
"Look at me, 2 seconds I  through your nose, 4 seconds out through your mouth, just try and breathe dear."
I look over at her parents, Mari grabs my face and forces me to look at her
"Focus on me dear, you're safe here, can you breathe like I told you?"
I start doing what she told me, 2 seconds in, 4 seconds out, we stay like this for 3 or so minutes.

It had been about 2 hours, the bakery was open, but Mari wasn't helping her parents like she usually does, instead she was with me in her bedroom, we had already unpacked all my stuff, bow we where sitting playing games on her tablet, she was playing flappy bird and I just sat and observed.
"Why is this so hard?! I just need to avoid the pipes and I'm still on level one!"
Mari looks over at me, it's still only morning, yet I barely slept last night since I was practicing coming out to my mother, we all know how that went down, and thus I'm doing sleepy eyes.
"Are you tired dear?"
I shake my head, not wanting to depart to the dream world where I can't take her with me, I want to stay with her forever.
She shoots me a worried glance and goes back to playing her game, around half an hour later turns to me again.
"Do you need anything dear, you're awfully quiet.."
I shake my head again, she changes from Flappy Bird to Pacman, probably a good idea since she threw her tablet across the room 3 times already.

3 hours go by, we've played games, built a fort for no reason other than we are planning to overthrow God, helped her parents in the bakery, watched Squid Game (A/N: ALI NOOOOO😭 CURSE YOU SANG-WOO) and overall had an extremely good time, we start playing on her computer and start playing a video game her friend Max made, when suddenly she turns to me again.
"Dear, you haven't ate, drank, slept even though your yawning, or even used the bathroom all day, are you sure you don't need any of those things?"
I feel my eyes tear up
"I don't wanna leave your side-! W-What if my mother f-finds-"
She quickly jumps out of her seat and runs to console me, wrapping her arms around me and gently running her fingers through my hair, her embrace immediately calms me down.
I quickly push myself backwards, the chair moves with me as it has wheels, I cover my mouth and feel my tears get more intense in my eyes, Mari looks a little taken aback, but almost immediately a sweet smile appears on her face, she lightly drags her finger on my cheek, (A/N: don't take that out of context, dirty minded people '-' they're 14-) however it doesn't so much to calm my fears.
"Gami dear, are you a little?"
I shake my head, trying to suppress my little space, I really didn't know what to do.
Mari gently cups my face with her hands before embracing ne again.
"It's okay dear, don't you ever suppress your regression, it'll make your anxiety worse." (A/N: I learned that the hard way- also, agere is not a s3xual kink, that's age play, agere/little space is sfw.)
I hug her back, tears reducing.
"I-I sowwy mommy..."
"It's alright Gami dear, here!"
She runs over to her dresser and opens one of the drawers, she takes out a ladybug plushie and comes back to me.
"This is for you! One of the kids I babysit likes to play with it but you can have it! I can sew another for when she comes anyway!"
I take the ladybug doll from her hands.
"Ish so cute! I loves new studies!"
She boops my nose, I giggled.
"I love you little one!"

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