Chapter 14-We're Done

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There is violence and swears in this chapter.


~Briella's POV~ 

I woke up the next morning, Nathans arms snaked around my waist, and I was pulled as close to his chest as I could physically get......and I loved this. This felt right, this felt like it was supposed to be this way. I have honestly never been as happy as I was at this point, I cant believe I couldve had this before, but I was too stubborn to realise what I wanted was right in front of me. 

I looked up to see Nathans eyes shut as the steady sound of his breathing relaxed me somehow. The rise and fall of his chest made me feel calm. I snuggled my head farther into the crook of his neck and then I slowly drifted to sleep again.Something about being around him made me feel safe and I loved it. 

After what seemed like a couple minutes I opened my eyes slowly and looked up to Nathans face to see his beautiful green eyes looking back at me. "Oh geez, I thought you were asleep" I said slightly surprised to see him just looking at me. "I was about an hour ago" he said with a low chuckle in his low, raspy morning voice. 

Just hearing his voice gave me goosebumps. "Well if you were awake why didnt you wake me silly?" I asked smiling slightly. "You looked so peaceful and beautiful sleeping" he said smiling as he put a strand of hair behind my ear and looked into my eyes. I wanted to reply, but I was so memorized by his gorgeous green eyes looking into mine, that I couldn't even find words. He slowly leaned closer and closer to my face as his eyes moved from my eyes to my lips and then back to my eyes. I suddenly got butterflies filling my stomach in anticipation for what was going to happen next. 

He continued to inch closer, and I wanted him to just kiss me already! He lingered about a half an inch away from my lips. "Do you want this?" he whispered huskily. "Yes" I barley squeaked out from the nerves. "Well get it" he said with a smirk knowing I wouldn't be to scared to connect our lips together. I was terrified to do that sort of thing and Nathan knew that.  "Fine" I mumbled and before he could say anything I grabbed the back of his neck and finally crashing our lips together. 

I could tell by the first couple seconds of the kiss that he was shocked at my actions because he didn't kiss back, but when he did, sparks flew. It was the most amazing, and intense kiss ive ever experienced. 

After the kiss we pulled away and he just looked at me again, this time with so much passion and love and a hint of lust. "What?" I said smiling. "YOU just kissed ME" he said said as a surprised look spread across his face.  "You told me to, was it bad?" I asked as my smile disappeared and I started getting self conscious.

"No no no. It was perfect, I didn't mean that, I just meant I was surprised. Like I didnt think youd

actu-" I cut him off with ANOTHER kiss to shut him up.! When Nath thinks he upset someone or said something wrong he starts rambaling because he feels bad, and this was just the best solution to shut him up right now (plus when we kiss it is amazing, so its not exactly torture for me).

After the second kiss he just looked at me, no speaking, just looking so deeply into my eyes that we both just got lost. We didnt have to do anything else but look at each other. There was nothing to say, there werent words to describe our feelings for each other, and thats how I think  it should be in a relationship........actually I honestly dont know what we are. I hope we are dating. 

"Nathan?" I said and broke the silence. 

"Yeah Bri" he said wrapping his arms around my waist again and pulling me back into him chest.

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