Chapter 7- Just Talk To Me

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~Briella's POV~ 

I woke up the next morning refreshed for about 2 seconds until last nights events replayed in my mind. I burst into tears thinking about him. He was sweet, charming, and extremly fit, but I knew I couldnt have him. 

I got up wipping the tears and gathered some clothes for the day. I got a towel from the hall closet for a shower. Showers always helped me clear my head and thats exactly what I needed right now.  

I grabbed my i Pod dock and iPod and went to the shower.  

I plugged in the dock and connected my ipod. I put it on iHeartRadio and turned the volume up almost all the way.

I turned on the shower and adjusted the temprature. I  stripped out of my clothes and stepped into the shower letting the water wash away all the drama from last night.

I was in the middle of rinsing my hair of shampoo when I heard it through my dock speakers.

"The sun goes down, the stars come out 

And all that  counts is here and now

My universe will never be the same

Im glad you came"


Thats all it took for everything to come flooding back and hit me even harder then before. Thats all it took to push me over the edge. My legs went weak and I fell to the floor, tears pouring out of my eyes uncontrolably. 

I saw one of my razors sitting on the shelf. I grabbed it and broke the blades out of the top. I placed the blade to my wrist and slid it across my skin, blood quickly ran down my arm. I slid it across my arm again and once more.

I stopped and looked down at my wrist not beliving what I had just done. I have never cut  my self before. In fact Ive never even thought about it. And to be completely honest it didnt away take the pain, now I just had physical pain to go along with my emotions.

I stood up and rinsed the blood from my arm. I turned off the faucet and reached out of the shower for my towel. I wrapped it around my body and stepped onto the cold tile floor.

I turned off my iPod and opened the cabniet above the sink for some band-aids. I rinsed my cuts off again and dried them so the band aids would stay. I place the band-aids on the cuts then finsihed getting ready. (Briellas outfit )

I wore lazy clothes because there was no way that I was going anywhere today but my bed and my freezer for ice cream.

I walked down stairs and found Mollee sitting in the kitchen with my Gran eating pancakes. They were chatting about random topics.

( Mollee has been my best friend for so long that its almost like Gran is her Gran too. ) 

I walked to the freezer and grabbed one of the many cartons of Ice Cream along with a spoon and a glass of water. I  walked back to my room to watch a Disney Princess movie (I always watched them when I was upset about something).

I got to my room and put the DVD in the player and sat on my bed opening the Ice Cream and taking a spoonful into my mouth.

My door slowly creeked open and Mollee appeared in the doorway.

"Love you know your gonna have to tell me what happened, Im your best friend and I need to know this stuff." she said as she came over to my bed and sat next to me. 

I didnt even argue with her I spilled my heart out and of course choked up while I told her. She pulled me into a hug and I cried for a few seconds. Then I stopped and looked at her.

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