chapter one

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"Well, here I am, ready for the day. I can't believe I'm in year 11 already!
I'm excited and nervous about it, I mean I guess that's normal, right?"

*Walking to school*

*in her head*

"I hope people are nice to me. I don't know why they wouldn't be though, so I don't know if I should be that worried about that." She stuttered still with worry in her voice

*out of her head*

*in school*

"Where is my class?" She said confusingly

Then someone walked up to me
" Ash, right!" The voice said with happiness
"I'm Kate, it's nice to meet you, I'll be showing you around the school." She said still with happiness.

*in her head*

"Why is she so, cheerful??" Ash said with a confused tone

*out of her head*

As Kate showed her around she told ash, lots of cool facts about the school too. Like when it was built, what year it was built in, and how the school mascot became a bear. It was really fun to find out all of these facts." She said happily and collecting the knowledge.

"So that was the tour of the school,I hope you enjoyed my facts about the school to and I joke to see you around,ash." Kate said with a big smile on her face.

*in her head*

"She is sounds really nice,I like her *chuckles*

*our of her head*

As she walked to class people were whispering she don't know why though,
Honestly she was in a good mood,she didn't think anything would stop that,
But people whispering then looking at her after made her anxious.

She felt like she was going to throw up or something.

She just couldn't go through with it,so she went to the toilets went in a cubicle
And started softly crying.

She didn't know what else to do other than that.

*in the cubicle*

" why were they all whispering and then looking at ME. I don't know what to do,should I go back out there and get embarrassed,should I stay here and wait the day out. I don't know what I should do! " she said with a sad tone.

Ash goes outside And sees that everyone is in class,she starts walking to get to her class worried about how the teacher would react to her being late on her first day.

*in her head*

" Oh my god! My teacher is going to be so mad that I late. What should I do! I know,I'll just tell her the truth or should I??.

*out of her head*

Ash started walking to class and finds something,she finds a picture picks it up and notices....

" Why is there a picture of me in the hallway!? " she said I shock.

She also saw some writing on the back,but it was smudged so she couldn't read it.

She carried on going to class,when she got there she knocked on
the door and went inside
She asked the teacher if she could speak to her after the class.

After the class was over ash told her teacher why she was late.

"Miss,the reason I was late is because I was in the toilet crying cos everyone was whispering about me and I don't know why!?" She said with a worried sad tone.

"Oh,well is everything OK
Do you maybe
Have a reason that you
Came up with why
they were whispering about you?." The teacher asked with concern.

"NO,I don't have any idea
Nothing bad has ever happend to me social wise,so I don't know why at all??." She said while holding back tears.

She starts going to her lesson and finds Kate again,she went up to her and,

"Hey Kate where are you now?" Ash said.

"Oh,I have a free period right now!" Kate said.

"Uugghh,I wish I had a free period,mines later!!"
Ash said

They both laughed and went there separate ways
Until ash saw another picture of her on the floor

*in her head*

"What in the world are pictures of me doing all around school!!??" She said worried

*out of her head*

Ash go's home and trys to sleep,she starts do drift asleep but her mum bursts in and says

"I HAVE A SUPRISE!"her mum said really happy

"AAAAHHHHH,you scared me half to death mum!"she screamed

Her mum stands there in the door way holding something...small...

"What in the world is that mum!?"

"Well I noticed you've been struggling with
Boys and mental health
And i know you have been a little stressed out,sooo I got you....a kitten!!" Her mother said happily

A kitten!!!??" Ash said confused and happy

*the next day*

She went back to sleep and then woke up she fed her kitten and set
Off to school.

After she got to school she went to her form room and sat down to a surprise on her seat...
She saw a piece of gum and swapped the chair

She saw Kate staring staring her after looking around the room to see who would do such a thing

After Kate noticed ash looking at her she looked down a soon as  possible and ash got.. really confused....

But ash just went on with the day with confusion....

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