part 2

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Ash started feeling unnerved at school because of how weird kate was being - I mean she was being quite weird...

But she sucked it up and just carried on with school, pushing that unserved feeling aside like it was a plate of brussle sprouts.

" hey, I heard you were new here?" A deepish voice behind her, ash slowly turns around and sees a guy

"Yeah, I am new here, I moved a couple of weeks ago?? May I ask who you are..?" Ash said confused and a little bit shy

"Sorry,I'm nate and you are?" Nate said confidently and with a smirk in his face

"Hey nate,cool name by the way, im Ashley but
my friends call me ash
so feel free to call me any!" She said with a nervous tone

"Well, hi there ash, how are you feeling with the new school and all?" He said still with a smirk on his face

" its fine, but I have never seen you before are you new here to" Ash said trying to change the subject as quick as possible...

Nate looked at her and said "No I'm not new actually,I'm just very quiet"

Then he walked away without another word

Ash noticed nate was
In all of her favourite classes

She was a little annoyed about that cos all he did was hit in her until she finally broke


Nate was shocked at how she shouted at him like that

She ran off in the toilets crying, nate tryed to follow her but he couldn't catch up

He felt like a jerk
How could he do that to her

Ash went home and went to her room

"Ash, what's wrong"
He sister said

The cat meowing at the door

"Go away!" Ash said as I'd she was going to cry

Her sister walked in and ask her what was wrong so ash told her and they had a little talk

"Thanks,kate, your a good sister" Ash said happily

Ash went to sleep and the next day practiced what she was going to say to nate....

The next day at school she saw nate and started walking to her
He saw her and started walking away

Ash was focused on getting to him as fast as
She could so she could tell him what she practiced

She finally catches up to him and says....

" look I'm really sorry about yesterday,but I just don't like you in that way,I hope we can still be friends and we can out this past us and also why are you acting awkward around me?"She asked with confidence

Nate just looked and noticed someone staring at them, it was kate.

Ash thought she had left school but aparantly not

Nate shouted "HEY!?"
and ran after her

Ash started to say "it does-!"
" nt mater" she finished "uugghh I can't right now it's 7 am i-i-i just can't!" She said after

She went to her first class and after that went to break

Nate came back and sat next to Ash all sweaty and smelling like b-o

"Where did you go!" Ash said

Nate said out of breath
"I ran....about three blocks....away from school ....and then...all the way...back...and then sh-..she got into a car and...drove away!"

"Well I tryed telling you I didn't matter,but you ran away before I could!!"
Ash said with a little sarcasm....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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