Be careful what you wish for

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Happy reading

Chapter 2

Rose lay in bed fully awake. Her earlier conversation with her mother played on repeat in her head making sleep impossible. She had no choice in the matter, she had to get married. It's not that she didn't want to get married, in fact, she wasn't opposed to the idea at all. It was the fact of choosing who to marry that caused her current predicament. Call it cheesy but she didn't want to marry just anybody, she wanted to marry someone who would accept her for who she actually was. Not this fake personality she always put on.

She wasn't sure when it started but at some point, after her father died, she'd developed a 'fake Rose'. A Rose that was kind, proper, and eloquent. Not the rude, stubborn, and outright manish person she has always been. Of course, her mother knows the real her but as soon as she walks out the door the mask goes back on.

Rose wished she had never put on this mask because now every unmarried boy wanted her as his wife. The perfect wife. But as soon as she took off her mask whoever she married will surely hate her for life and she'll be stuck with him. Till death do them part.

Now she has to figure out a way to test out every suiter. There has to be at least one that's willing to marry the real her.

She stood up and moved to sit at the window, staring up at the night sky. 

"Maybe I could just start acting like the real me then all the suitors will take back their proposals." She mumbled quietly. They'll probably just kick us out anyway, thinking I've lost my mind. She thought. Just then she saw a light shoot across the sky. She smiled. "A shooting star, lucky me." She mumbled. 

"Hnmm, I wish I had a way to test out every man in Crossworth to find one that will accept the real me.." She held her breath and sat in silence for a few moments but nothing happened. "Well, what did I expect?" She said going and laying back down on her bed. "I'm going to have to put in some work if I want a wish to come true." She said as sleep slowly overtook her.

          She woke to the sound of her mother's call. "ROSE! ROSE! Oh dear, where has that girl gone off to?" She heard her mother say through the door. Rose groaned. She had eventually gone to sleep but it was restless and nightmare-ridden. "ROSE, I KNOW YOU'RE YOU'RE HERE! YOUR CLOAK IS ON THE HOOK." Her mother called, slightly closer. What is she talking about? Did she even think to check my room? Rose thought and yawned. She had yet to even open her eyes "MOTHER I'M IN BED!" Rose yelled out, unwilling to move. She heard footsteps coming closer to her room. The door suddenly opened, slamming against the wall. Rose's eyes quickly opened and she made eye contact with her mother. Her mother huffed and began to move her eyes over her room. "Okay, enough with this hiding game! Come out, we need to go over your proposals. Also, what's up with this cat?" Rose sat up confused by her mother's words. "Mother, what's up with you?" Her mother's eyes shot to her and widened in surprise. Rose tilted her head in confusion. "Have you finally gone old and senile?" Her mother's mouth shot open with a scream. Rose shot up and out of bed, landing perfectly on her feet. She noticed she was much closer to the ground and everything was much bigger than she remembered. She looked down to her feet. All...FOUR of them? In fact, they were more paws than feet. It was Rose's turn to scream. Unfortunately, it came out more of a strangled meow than a scream. "I'm...I'm a cat!" She stuttered and looked up to her mother. "Rose, what have you done?" Her mother choked out with tears running down her face. "I swear mother I haven't done anyth-" Rose suddenly remembered the wish she made the night before and a bolt of inspiration filled her. She laughed and jumped around excitedly. Her mother looked as if she were about to swoon. "I knew it, you've finally lost your mind. I'll never get those precious grandchildren." Her mother sniffed and collapsed dramatically on the bed. "Can't you see? This is brilliant! It's exactly what I wished for." Rose said, jumping on the bed and pawing at her mother's shoulder. Her mother quickly sat up and grabbed Rose holding up her cat body to face level. "What do you mean wish!? Rose what did you do!?" Her mother asked, slightly shaking her. Rose squeaked. "Mother stop! Ack!" Her mother shook her rougher. "ANSWER THE QUESTION!" Her mother screamed in her ears. Or maybe she didn't scream and it only sounded that way because her new cat ears were more sensitive. "Okay, okay, I tell you but please put me down! I'm getting dizzy." Rose said, accidentally letting a hiss escape. Her mother dropped her on the bed with a huff. Rose took a moment to let the dizziness pass then began. "Last night I saw a shooting star and wished upon it." Her mother looked at her confused. "You wished to be a cat?" Rose sighed. "No, I wished for a way to test all my suiters." Her mother stared at her straight-faced. "And being a cat will test them?" Rose rolled her eyes. "No, I have to put in a little work if I want my wish to come true. But being a cat will help immensely with my plan." Her mother looked reluctant. "And what exactly is your plan?" Rose told her mother her plan with great detail leaving nothing out. Her mother did not like it but reluctantly accepted it anyway.


As you can clearly see I gave up on proper spacing partway through BECAUSE I CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOw TO CHANGE THE SIZE

But anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter! The next chapter will be about Austin.

P.S. Fun Fact: The description of Rose's real personality is actually accidentally based on me. I did not mean to do that and didn't even notice until my bsf pointed it out. 

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