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As I was getting ready to go to the company's location, I started getting nervous as hell. Meeting new people just triggers my social anxiety.

"Well, here goes nothing I guess.." I started to drive.

As I was driving, a woman who was wearing an all-black outfit suddenly ran to cross the road right infront of my car, so I quickly pressed the break. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" said the woman as she looked as if she was in a hurry. "You're the one who randomly crossed the road out of nowhere knowing the traffic light isnt even red yet!" I fired back with anger as I poked my head out of my window. "You're gonna pay for this one day!" She shouted while running away.

Who tf does that? Randomly runs to cross the road without checking the traffic light first, almost gets hit, and blames the person who clearly wasn't in the wrong? Obviously she was poorly educated. I judged.

After finally reaching the location, I went inside and was welcomed by the receptionist.

"Good morning miss. How can I help you?" said the receptionist with confidence. "Hi, yes,  I'm the new photographer, Hwang Yeji?" I said in confidence reciprocating her to ease my nerves. "Ah, yes, you may go to the elevator on your right and head up to the 13th floor. I already contacted the manager that you've arrived." she said as she smiled.  "Thank you." I, too, replied with a smile.

So far this place looks very professional. It was beautifully decorated and modern looking. My nerves started turning into excitement.

As I went up the elevator and reached the 13th floor, I was greeted by who, I assume, is the manager of this place. He welcomed me and asked me to follow him to meet the one and only, Shin Ryujin, who was waiting in the studio.

While walking towards the studio, I was fidgeting with my camera but instantly snapped out of it since I wanted to make a good first impression towards Ryujin.

As we both reached the shooting room, there she was. Shin Ryujin herself. She looked more beautiful in real life. After what felt like an eternity of awkward staring and the tension arising, I came to my senses and realised that she somehow looked familiar.

God freaking damn it. I realised that she was the one who made a fuss this morning. The dumbf*** who randomly crossed the road without checking the traffic light. Out of everyone in this whole entire universe, why did it have to be HER?

I panicked but tried to keep it hidden. I reached my hand out to shake her hand, but what she did next surely tested my patience.

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