starter thing

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Ranboo, Tubbo, Tommy, all 3 teens had run away from home but found comfort in each other...

Tubbo's family was very physically and emotionally abusive... His father never stopped drinking, his mother never paid any attention, neither of them accepted him as trans... This has made Tubbo into an emotionally drained, self destructive teen..

Ranboo's family was only emotionally abusive, but that still hurt just as bad as a cracked rib, when Ranboo first came out as Non-Binary to their parents, they just got a lecture, with hurtful slurs added into the mix, the lack of love and emotional attention had made Ranboo feel.. Incapable of love..

Tommy... Now, Tommy is a slightly different case, because his family loved him.. But all the attention was on his brothers, never on him, now you see, this made Tommy into a hot-headed, swearing mess of a young man

Now this story follows these teens and their plan to runaway from home forever, but then they all find that in some moments where they find that they bit off more that they can chew...

Into the story!(also if you haven't please read the description! There will be TW's before a chapter starts so don't worry!)

Runaways|BenchTrio AU!!|Where stories live. Discover now