after the race

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Sapnap blushed at the the pet name that karl gave him "so uhm where is my reward "he smirked as he got closer towards karls face
Karl shrugged and watched as Sapnap got closer to his face. "Right here, doll" He kissed the other lightly, wrapping his arms around Sapnap's torso.
Sapnap deepned the kiss as he grabed onto the others neck as he slightly get pushed on the car by karl
Karl pulled away from the other and looked him up and down "Damn, needy much?" He kept himself close to the other as he started kissing Sapnap's jawline and down his neck lightly. He left lipstick marks but other than that there wasn't any other marks.
Sapnap moaned slightly as karl was kissing his sweet spot "karl i think we should take this somewere else dream and george is staring at us "he said slightly moaning again
"Take it where? In your car?" He asked, loosening his grip on the other. I mean it makes sense that he doesn't want to have sex there.
"I mean we can take it my apartment if you want to love" sapnap says slightly getting up still holding onto karls neck
Karl shrugged "We could, it's up to you, doll" He said, looking over at George and Dream, letting go of Sapnap and walking over to George.
"Oh hey karl"george says "i see you are having fun over there with sapnap"george said giggling a bit "anyways me and dream are going back to my apartment "George gets into dreams car
Karl just rolled his eyes "Have fun, just stay out of monster fridge and out of my room" He knew George liked to rummage through his stuff
"Ok i promise i wont get into your stuff "george says as dream takes off
He watched as they took off and shook his head a bit, knowing that was a lie. He went back to Sapnap "Are we going back to your place?" He asked
"Mhm"sapnap says as gets into his car smiling
Karl got into the passenger seat as he crossed his legs gently, making sure not to show anything. He looked in the car mirror and seen his lipstick was kinda smudged.

Sapnap and karl arrives and his and dreams apartment he opens the door to the shared apartment and walks into the kitchen turning the light switch on "do you want anything to eat or drink"he said turning towards karl
Karl looked around the apartment, not really admiring it. The apartment looks average okay? He looked at Sapnap after he asked. "Just you" He shrugged, trying to be casual about it.
"Im fine with that. Love"sapnap smirks as he takes karls hand and leads him into his room closing and locking the door just in case dream and george came back

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