Chapter 3

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"Fuck Sirius, so gorgeous." Remus mumbled into the other boys lips, as he started to attack Sirius' shirt buttons, his drunken coordination hindered his mission greatly.

A sudden, loud and unexpected cough grabbing the attention of both the drunken boys.

"Bobby!" Remus exclaimed, in hindsight they probably should have been quieter; he should have known there was more people in the house than just him. As he looked to his uncle who looked less than amused at the situation he was looking at, he regretted bringing Sirius back. In hindsight Remus thought they should have just done it in the woods like Remus was teasing Sirius with on the way here. He was desperately trying to come up with an explanation, any explanation would have done, but his alcohol fogged mind was at a loss.

"Hello boys." Remus couldn't look him in the eye, he tried to both hide the nearly empty bottle of whisky behind his back and distance himself a little from the boy beside him, he could feel have tensed. "I'm not an idiot boy." Bobby snapped, snatching the whisky out of Remus' hands shaking his head. "Sit" he demanded and Remus moved instantly, gently guiding Sirius by the elbow to sit with him on the couch. The man disappeared in the kitchen for a few minutes and reappeared with two cups of coffee. "Drink." They boys did so in silence.

"Bobby," Remus began, he didn't know exactly what he was going to say but it had to be better than the silence.

"Stop Remus. Whatever stupid excuse you have come up with, I do not want to hear it." He told Remus with a sigh, Remus went cold at the words. Convinced he had fucked up beyond repair. "I do not want you stealing my alcohol, I certainly don't want you going somewhere with your best friend that you can't come back from, when your drunk. I know how you feel Remus, but you will regret doing it this way." Remus was speechless, what was he to say to that. He couldn't think straight and was incredibly close to crying.

"What are your intentions Sirius." Bobby asked taking both boys by surprise. Remus knew Sirius, even drunk he knew his best friend better than anyone else. He knew he was panicking, so Remus reached out and laced their fingers together. Remus could feel the tension and nerves seep out of him relaxing him instantly.

"I love him." This time the words were not being spoken in the heat of the moment, it was amazing to hear. Butterflies erupted in his stomach and he couldn't stop the giddy drunken grin appear on his face.

"Then tell him when you're sober." Bobby challenged. Deal Remus thought, they would say it every day. The whisky giving Remus more confidence about Sirius' feelings that he knew he would have tomorrow but he didn't care, at the moment he knew Sirius loved him. There was none of those niggling sober thoughts to create doubt. It was a wonderful feeling. "Jesus" Bobby sighed obvious to Remus that he was done with. "You can stay Sirius, you're always welcome, you know that. Remus in your room, Sirius in the spare room. I expect both doors to stay open and I will have mine open too. So don't even try to sneak into the other's room." Remus watched Bobby get up and disappear in the kitchen again, Sirius squeezed his hand they shared a look that seem to say, I fucking hate this but love it at the same time. I want you but where drunk so maybe he has a point. Though as Remus looked into those gorgeous eyes he also saw 'take me' and Remus almost did. Bobby reappeared with two glasses of water and some headache pills. "Take these for the morning, get upstairs."

The boys nodded and got up in silence. Hands still laced as they made their way upstairs. Bobby following closely behind them. They said their good nights, Remus handing over a pair of sweatpants for Sirius to wear. Both boys used Remus' tooth brush. it's real Remus thought as he watched Sirius put his tooth brush in his mouth, he wouldn't let just anyone use it the idea disgusted him, not so much with Sirius, it must be the real thing.

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