The day I left her

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Marshall Lee's P.O.V
I knew it was time.
I had to tell her.
But she would be so sad.
I could picture her crying once I tell her the news.
Gumball and Bubblegum fixed the portal and it was working now. They called everyone for a meeting.
As I was with Fionna and the rest, I saw my queen in tears. She tried to look strong but her tears were not helping her at all.
Everyone beside Bubblegum's friends. Marceline and I were at the wall, her crying her eyes out on my chest, wetting my shirt. "Shhh..don't cry please my's for the best..." I whispered into her ear. "But...we will meet again, soon hopefully..." I said to her, smiling as I wiped her tears away and kissing her forehead.
They called us over.
I was the last to step into the portal " Marceline..." I said before walking into the portal, steeping on the grass from the land of Aaa(?).
"Home once again...." I sighed.
"We will meet again" I whispered and let out a small sigh, floating in the air.
I floated home, onto my bed,thinking about her.
The day I left her...
I will meet her again.
One day.
One day...

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