Promise - Jacob Black

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"He's asking to see you," Carlisle says to Bella as he walks out of the house. Upon hearing this, your head shoots up and your eyes widen in curiosity. Why would he want to see her first?

It had been a rough night for everyone. Carlisle spent so long breaking his bones to put them back into place, Jacob's painful cries breaking your heart each time they rang out. Paul and Embry sat beside you, comforting you when they did. They knew how you felt about Jacob, everyone did. Besides Jacob.

You were hopelessly in love with him, yet he was in love with Bella. He had been for so long, yet he never saw that she didn't feel the same. Embry always reassured you, though, that Jacob felt something for you as well.

It's just that Bella was his main focus, his first choice. And you were nothing. That proved to be true when the first person he wants to see after all this is her.

"Hey, it's okay," Embry whispers, rubbing your arm, warming you up instantly. You can't help the tears that fall from your eyes, hating that you loved someone who didn't love you back.

"No, it's not, Em. I need to stop, I can't keep doing this to myself."

The pack of wolves share looks with one another, hearing Jacob's thoughts as Bella gets up to leave, their conversation finished. Bella steps outside and looks to you with an awkward grin on her face.

"He wants to talk to you," she says. Taking a moment, you nod and she leaves, Embry standing with you.

"Are you sure you want to, (Y/N)?" He asks. You nod and take a deep breath. He pulls you in for a hug, Paul doing the same seconds later.

Finally, you slowly make your way inside straight to Jake's room, which thankfully moved to a larger room in the house than the small back room he was living in.

"Hi," you murmur, stepping in and closing the door behind you.

"Hey," he chokes out, struggling to breathe a little. You kneel on the ground next to his bed, not really knowing what to say.

"Were you crying?" He wonders. A low chuckle escapes your mouth and you wipe your cheeks.

"Uh, yeah. It wasn't easy hearing you scream out like that. Everyone was at least tearing up."

"Not Bella," he says in a spiteful tone. You scoff immediately, realizing there was no going back from what you were about to say.

"She doesn't care about you like that, Jacob. She loves Edward, and it's time you move on," you tell him.

"She does care about me. I know she does, she just doesn't want to admit it because she's scared."

"Do you not hear yourself? She's been with Edward for over a year, and she's told you multiple times she feels nothing more than a friendship with you. Find someone else, someone who is willing to love you for you, and not because you're a distraction and only seeing you as a friend."

"Oh really? Where am I supposed to find someone like that, huh?" You laugh cynically and stand up.

"Right fucking here, Jacob. I have loved you for so long, yet you never saw it because you were so hung up with Bella. And honestly, I'm sick of this. I'm done trying to get your attention, I'm done trying to love you, and I'm done with whatever this is. I can't keep being around you, reminded of how you will never look at me the way you look at Bella, or how I could possibly be your imprint, based on what Sam says, and how you will never feel the same way for me as I feel for you. It's exhausting, and quite frankly, it's not worth it anymore. Goodbye Jacob."

You turn and walk out, not giving him a chance to explain, fearing that you would fall back into his arms if he even spoke of how sorry he was. You needed time, and you were hoping he would give that to you.

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