Should I Feel Guilty?

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The next morning I woke up to a very hungover Zayn. "Ohh my head" he moaned in a hushed tone.
"I'll go get you a coffee" I said, still I thinking about last night. As I walked into the hallway, I bumped into Harry who was also going downstairs.I flushed red and overtook him without a word, going to the kitchen and turning on the coffee machine.

"You know, we don't have to be awkward with each other", said Harry, leaning in the doorway with his hands in his pockets.
"I know we don't" I replied matter of factly, whilst pouring coffee into Zayns favorite mug. Harry just smiled as I brushed past him and went upstairs to give Zayn his drink.

"Aww thanks babe"said Zayn sitting up slightly and taking the coffee. "So, how you feeling?" I asked him, making anyway of taking my mind off Harry. "Like shit",he said chuckling a little. I giggled and lay down, my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

Later, when all the boys were awake and feeling better, we went and sat in the living room. "Hey guys, let's play a game" said Niall who was bored out of his mind.
"Yeah let's play dares" said Liam, getting excited.
We all agreed to play dares and we sat in a circle near the fireplace.

"Ok, me first!"squealed Louis happily. "I dare Niall to straddle Zayn for ten minutes" he laughed. Niall immediately went and straddled Zayn who had no choice but to do as Niall said. "Err, I dare Louis to lick Liam's foot" I said, making the boys laugh.
"Cmon looloo come give us a lick" laughed Liam who was holding up his foot. Louis went and licked his foot quickly to get it over and done with making us all gag and laugh til our cheeks were sore.

We played an infinite amount of rounds until eventually it was my turn to be dared again.
"Ermm... I dare you to.. Have 7 minutes of heaven with whoever the bottle lands on", said Harry grinning at me. I couldn't believe it. Zayn was in his own little world so he barely noticed what was happening frustrating me slightly. Liam spun the bottle and it began to slow down, past Louis, past Liam, past Niall. I began to regret accepting the dare because I had a horrible instinct of what was going to happen.

It slowed down completely and it had landed on Harry. The boys all just laughed, patting Harry on the back like he'd done something to be proud of for gods sake. I looked at Zayn, pretty much pleading for his help but he just laughed with the boys. In a way I was glad that he didn't mind, and wasn't too over protective. But on the other hand, I really didn't want to go upstairs alone with Harry, because although he came across as shy, I didn't want to see the other side of him.

"Earth to Zuri", chuckled Louis waving his hand past my face, wakening me from my daze. I stood up and bent over Zayn, making him tilt his head back and I kissed him just to prove my point to Harry. When I'd done I saw that Harry had already gone, so reluctantly I followed him up. As soon as I'd got upstairs Liam called.

"Your seven minutes start now, have fun kids" he sniggered. I walked into my bedroom but he wasn't there so I ventured to Harry's. He was lay on his bed, top and trousers on the floor. He was lay on his side with only his boxers on, I gasped and quickly turned around. He chuckled. "No need to be shy love" he said in his hot voice. Wait what? No not his hot voice at all, in his horrid, stupid voice that's what.

"I don't care, I'm not turning round and we're not doing anything,OK?" I said, irritated yet a bit scared of crumbling and letting him take control. I heard shuffling and suddenly then there was hot breath on my neck, arms wrapped tight around me.
"Okay",he whispered, his breath tickling my ear. I tried to get out of his grasp but it was no use, until he let go and went and locked the door.

I walked away from him, trying to get as far from him as possible. For some horrible, annoying reason I wanted to do what he wanted.
"This isn't right Har-", I began to say until I was cut off by his soft lips pressing against mine. I went with it, I couldn't stop myself and our lips moved in sync. We finally drew apart.

"Isn't it?" He asked in a playful voice, knowing that he had total control over me, and I couldn't stop it. He pushed me against the window sill, making me bend back slightly, his crotch pressing against me making me groan. I could feel him smirk as I did this and he began to do it harder making it impossible for me to not enjoy it.

He held onto my waist as he pushed me gently towards the bed, I lay down under his order. He knelt down on top of me and he kissed my neck, down my stomach til he got to my shorts. He stopped and looked up at me, and I just couldn't resist no matter how hard I tried. He took the top of the shorts between his teeth and slowly pulled them down. When he'd taken them off he slid back on top of me, yet again his crotch pressed hard against me, making me moan into the kiss until I had to get back at him.

I tipped us over and his face just showed how surprised he was, making me feel oh so pleased with myself. We kissed until I pulled apart, straddling him and kissing down his jawline and onto his neck. I bit down lightly making him gasp and clamp his arms tight around my waist. I grinned to myself and starting grinding myself down on him, he groaned.
"What? Should I stop?" I asked sarcastically, raising my eyebrows at him trying to mock him.
"What? No!" He replied pulling me down as I started to grind on him again.

We were enjoying it, as horrible as it is to admit it. There'd been nothing like this between me and Zayn for a while now and I needed attention. Suddenly Harry was back on top, grinding down on me harder and harder making us both pant and groan. Then he slid himself down, towards my lace underwear, his teeth clamped on it, ready to pull them down.

"Guys! Times up!!" Called the boys from downstairs. Harry sighed and his head dropped, he planted a kiss on my underwear and he took my hand ,helping me up. He kissed my hand and looked deep into my eyes. "Until next time" he said winking. I blushed and quickly pulled on my shorts and sorted out my hair before walking back downstairs.

The guys decided that we should go eat out so that's what we did...

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