C3 magician S/O

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Mikuni x Magician S/O that's part of C3 headcannons (I'm making a lot of these)

You were a magician from (your country) but didn't actually know that you were a magician before you came to Japan and met Tsurugi at the train station as you saw him being restrained by Yumi and was wondering what the commotion was.

I have a feeling that you would be good friends with the dark night trio

You're the mother of the group, Jun is the father, Yumi is the mature troublemaker big bro, and Tsurugi.. well he's the problem child like always. You and Jun have to keep him from eating his fingers and losing his scarf, occasionally having to keep Yumi under wraps as well (although sometimes you join in the trouble as well lol)

Mikuni worries for you a lot so he's kinda glad that the dark night trio will at least be there to protect you if needed. Although he would be lying if he said that he wasn't jealous of Tsurugi hanging out with you all the time

Because he used to be in C3 when he was younger, Mikuni was a bit against you working there as a magician and told you that you can have any other job you want just as long as you don't work there as C3 can be a bit ruthless with its orders. But since you're a very stubborn person Mikuni decided that trying to change your nearly impossible to change mind wasn't worth the effort, and that you can work there for as long as you don't exert yourself too much

Miku-miku is just worried that you might become broken and overexerted like Tsurugi. And since you're a very important person to him, he doesn't want to lose you while you're on the job. Plus you might see his more...heartless side while visits and so is quite scared you might leave him when you find out what he's done in the past

Mikuni would sometimes visit you while you're working, usually when Tsurugi isn't around. You would sometimes run into him while trying to capture subclasses

Both Tsurugi and Mikuni fight for your attention. Tsurugi does it just to annoy Mikuni although sometimes he just really wants to go to the bakery to get some strawberry cake, while Mikuni fights because he doesn't want poor trash like Tsurugi to be touching you like... at all. He's very jealous of the fact that you and Tsurugi are all buddy-buddy. He hates it even more when Tsurugi starts rubbing it in his face-

Mikuni would sometimes help you learn a few techniques and tricks he learned while he was working there. Some of them he learned from Tsurugi, some of them he made on his own with Jeje. One thing I'm sure of is that they're very useful in combat. Mikuni would also show you some simple magic tricks. Like simple sleeping spells and good luck charms. They're simple, yet effective and Mikuni teaches you these spells for that reason as the spells C3 uses now are quite complicated so knowing some simple magic won't hurt


Alright, I don't know what's going on with me but I'm basically writing one chapter per day that's crazy
I hope you enjoyed this one
The next chapter will be nsfw headcannons so yeah look out for that tomorrow maybe

Mikuni Arisuin x reader (oneshots, boyfriend scenarios, head cannons, etc.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora