Love Language: Touch

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Sorry for not updating for a few months. I've lost motivation lately
Anyway enjoy this short uhh...oneshot? Headcannon-ish?? Just enjoy it idk what to call this lol

You've been married to Mikuni for a few months now (A/N: a bit of a jump but just go along with it. I headcannon that only when you two are REALLY REALLY close would he be fully comfortable to speak completely unfiltered and honest with you) and although he was sort of intimate and romantic when you two were dating he still kept his distance from you emotionally and sometimes physically.

But now that you two have tied the knot you've noticed some pretty nice changes. Mikuni has frequent nightmares of his childhood and used to stubbornly insist that he was fine even though the dried tears stains on his cheeks, quivering lip and fear-laced voice, wide panicked brown eyes, and stiff body begged to differ. Now he is willing to tell some details about his nightmares and allows you to comfort him with warm blankets, cuddles, and some hot cocoa (A/N: give this poor bby a hug 🥺). When in your makeshift blanket fort with a knocked out Jeje on the side (little snake boi likes his sleep) he would hold your hand and squeeze it tightly as you rub his back softly in an attempt to comfort and distract him from his demons.

Mikuni is quite shy when it comes to shouting out to the world about your relationship like with PDA and interacting with you in public. In fact he prefers to keep the relationship as secret as possible, he gets involved with shady stuff and he doesn't want to put you in danger. Now he's a lot more confident and trusting in you and the relationship in general and would happily hold hands with you when given the chance. Just remember that he won't be the one to initiate it. And when he does don't mention it, he'll immediately keep his hands to himself if you do.

Used to hate physical affection. Obviously he would be livid if Jeje or Johannes decides to give him a big warm hug. He really didn't get much touch from his parents and the people in the Alicein mansion. Hugs and kisses were saved for special occasions so he constantly kept himself slightly far from you when the relationship just started. Now he's clinging onto you like some kind of koala. Mikuni has a death grip on your leg and is begging for cuddles as we speak.
Cmon. Give him affection. He worked really hard today. He deserves it :)
Anyway, cuddles and kisses are his drugs. Constantly moving his hand towards yours sometimes subtlety sometimes very noticeable, giving you a pat on the back when he passes you by, or a shower of kisses before you go outside to buy groceries. Physical affection went from one of the things he hates to one of his most favourite things ever besides you and Abel
Whenever Mikuni spots you, he's comin for them kisses. Jeje slithers away before he can witness anything, mostly because there's a 50% chance he might hear some.... Interesting noises and he doesn't want to know what is causing those noises. Mostly because Mikuni would probably kill him.... Then kill him again before he gets the chance to.


This is a lot longer than usual. Hope you enjoyed, there's 5 love languages so I have 4 more to go
Now if you'll excuse me I will retreat back to my cocoon

Please vote or comment I need to know if I'm making all these chapters for literally no one except for me
And in general I would really appreciate some interaction
Anyway, words of affirmation will come soon! Or, acts of service... depends on how many ideas come to my mind faster...

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