Maybe He Can Understand..

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•once again, cringe

When morning came, Jojo had already left to begin training before Caesar had even woke up. He had a raging headache and could barely stand; hangover was the culprit. Before he could get himself to balance he fell to his knees in pain. All he did was get drunk, it was a small hangover, so what's wrong now? He forced himself stand up and became angry with himself. The memories of the night before came back and he grew angrier. To cool off, he decided to take a shower and change to get ready for training once again.

But the thought he'd see Jojo again pissed him off. It's the last thing he wanted that day. What was once his newfound love turned to hate overnight. Jojo would be oblivious even if Caesar were to explain, he wouldn't remember. But..

•An hour later•

Jojo hasn't seen Caesar in over 3 hours, it was noon now. He started to get worried, had something happened? He told His instructer he'd be back, and went in search for his friend. He was nowhere to be found, he checked everywhere he could possibly be. The last place he checked was the balancing wires in the sky. Of course. The sky. Caesar wasn't on the wire, but on the platform staring off. He knew he should've been training but today was different. "Go away, Jojo. You're the last person I wanted to see.."
"Caesar, what on Earth are you talking about?" Joseph puzzled at his words, what was wrong?
"You're one to talk.." Caesar angrily said before turning his head to the side to avoid the other's gaze. Joseph was so confused, all he remembered was going out last night. "Caesar, please tell me what's wrong, I've..Never seen you like this before and it's. Not weird, but..Where is the word I'm looking for..?" He whispered searching for an answer in his head.
"Creepy? Annoying?" Caesar scoffed, "No of course not! Obviously it's not often someone's like this, Suzie takes care of things like this, but y'know.." Jojo tried to redeem himself before the other spoke, "Just please..Leave me alone."

Jojo's heart hurt of confusion..

And Caesar's ached of pain..

"Even though you're still upset you came to the sky for comfort. I can't say I'm always did love the sky." Joseph whispered as he tried to lighten the conversation. "I'm sure whatever I did cpuldn't have been that detrimental to our friendship right?" He joked.


Even in a moment of seriousness, he still tried to joke, even if it didn't work. They sat in silence for about five minutes. There weren't many words to say in the moment. "Yea..So stupid to get worked up.." Caesar half-heartedly said before lighting another cigarette. "Not at all! I may be terrible with emotional things but I'm- I'm fairly certain it's better to let things out." Jojo said before standing. "You should get back to training before Machina scolds you again." Caesar lightened up. "It was one time!" Joseph protested, "Three times, actually." Caesar teased.

"Shut up!"

"You first!"

Until they finally made their way back down to continue their day, Caesar was still distant, but actually started training like he originaly planned. Training went on for another four hours before Lisa Lisa told them it was enough for today. For the rest of their time, they just walked around or rested in areas they don't normally stay in. Joseph was throwing walks into the water while Caesar was walking on the wall they were sat on. Jojo seemed to find himself staring at the sky, it was green this time. Or at least it a nice aqua or emerald color. He didn't like green much, but he could make an exception for the sky that night. "Caesar, check out the sky! I might be starting to see what you mean. Well. Not really, but it's pretty!" He laughed looking back. He saw a star and wished upon it. He was childish, but he always wished on the first stars he saw even if it wouldn't come true. "cazzo-" Caesar hissed sarcastically, "Hey! I'm trying to be nice!" Joseph exclaimed as he laughed. "You don't even know what it means do you?"

"Not a clue."

"I expected as much"

•2 hours later•

Caesar noticed that Joseph seed to me down himself, "Jojo, you told me not to mope, so whats got you down now?"
"Nothing! I was just wondering.." Joseph trailed off.
"Wondering- ..what?" Caesar questioned.
"Wondering if Lisa Lisa would let me get a girlfriend, hammon training is boring when theirs no one to love you!" Jojo complained as Caesar snickered, "You're so full of yourself, Jojo- If you want to ask her, ask her. I'm not becoming her next pelt on the wall-" Joseph was taken aback, "She would never!" Jojo protested. "I've tried, Jojo, trust me." Caesar said sarcastically, as he chuckled.

"You're the worst."
"Aw, thank you"


Only time will tell..

To be continued in chapter 5 ->

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