Welcome Wagon

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*Laurel POV*

My decided to give me, my sister, and my brother a normal life and move to a place called "Midvale". My brother and I look like Mom and our sister Dinah looks like Momma. Of course Momma gave birth to us, but since Mom is half alien she was able to get Momma pregnant. My brother was named after our grandfather Lawrence. I was named after my Mom's sister, and Dinah was named after our grandmother. Well I'm unpacking right now. We each get our own room.  I heard a knock on the door and decided to answer it. I opened the door and saw a woman that I had seen in a picture from Barry's wedding.  But she wasn't wearing her glasses. "Mom... someone is at the door." I yelled for my mom. Mom came down the stairs and immediately hugged the woman. "Oh my God, Kara Danvers. God it's been so long since I've seen you. How have you been and what are you doing in Midvale?" Mom said. "Oh well I'm married with five kids, three teenagers... and I now live in Midvale. I actually grew up here after Alex's parents adopted me." The woman replied. I decided to go finish unpacking. By the time I was done Kara Danvers had already gotten her wife Lena and their five kids. They had two teenage girls and one teenage boy. The other two were twins and they were only seven years old. Well the teenagers were the same age as my siblings and I. We were fourteen years old. Another couple was there with their adult child. The other couple were Kara's sister Alex and her wife Kelly. They were there with their twenty-two year old daughter Esme. I went out to the patio to be alone because I didn't really know how to conversation with people. To my surprise Lyra followed me and sat next to me. "It's ok if you don't want to talk, but I thought that maybe you and I could be friends. I know it seems like you can't talk to people because it's hard to converse over anything, it's been that way since COVID hit. But I was thinking that maybe we could be friends who don't have to talk. We can just be there for each other. I was hesitant at first but then I realized that her offer was the best offer I had gotten. Being able to be friends and not having to make conversation. That was the best feeling in the world. My siblings didn't have an issue with trying to make conversation.

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