Chapter. 8

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" Yo. " Y/n saluted as she lazily dragged her feet across the ground towards the male leaning on the wall with his head hang low.

" Trying to look mysterious? You ain't the main character here man. " Y/n yawned. She dodged the incoming attack from the man and swing her legs to his side but the man caught it.

" Fuck you, man.. " Y/n took her legs from his grasp as the man fixed his posture.

" My father. " The man muttered as he brought his shirt lower.

" What about that bastard? " Y/n asked as she pulled something out of her pocket. She took one stick of cigarette from the plastic container and placed it back on her pocket.

" Kill him. " the man said without any hint of emotion on his face.

" Finally. " Y/n chuckled as she step more closer towards the man and placed her hand inside his pocket. The man flinched slightly before relaxing.

" Told you to stop using drugs. " Y/n said as she pulled out a plastic with white stuff inside and lighter.

" Let me live with you.. " The man slumped to the ground with a very stressed face. Y/n look down on him and lightened her cigarette.

" You're not fit to be in a place like mine. You have a mansion, just be grateful to what you have now. " Y/n said as she smoked. 

" I-I don't wanna go back there. " The man calmly said.

" You'll take what your soon to be dead father will left, you'll become a billionaire in instant. " Y/n said as she leaned on the wall.

" It was passed onto my step brother. " The man shortly replied.

Y/n scoffed and started coughing as the smoke entered her lungs so suddenly. " tch, "

" Then, i shall kill your step brother along with your father then. " Y/n said as she finished her cigarette and sat down beside the man.

The man glanced at her through his bangs and shook his head. " If you do that... the money and companies will be passed onto me, i don't want to be a business man. You know that I've always liked music... i-i wanna pursue that. "

" Whatever you say. It would be a pain in the ass tho if your greedy brother took all the money. " Y/n stand up and stretched her limbs.

" I'll go then. " She said before walking away. 

" w-wait! " The man gripped on her wrist tightly. Revealing his dead blue eyes, he stared at the girl in front of him. 

" What now, man.. " Y/n groaned.

" Let me sleep with you. "

" No thanks. You have a lot of money, use it, rent a hotel. "

" Please. "

" Nope. "

" Please. "

" Trystan, fuck off. "


Daisuke look at the exhausted teenager lying on Y/n's bed. He gave her a look as he leaned on the wall beside her veranda. " Who's that? "

" Your dad. "

Daisuke glared at Y/n which the woman shrugged at. " Trystan. "

" A friend? "

" Yup. " Y/n blow the bubble gum and leaned on the rails before looking down.

" Why is he here? "

" You cared enough to question that, why don't you take him with you. " Y/n sassily said as she spit the bubble gum. Daisuke shrugged in disgust as he walk towards her and leaned on the railings.

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