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I sit there waiting, waiting for someone to tell us what's going on. Juliet is with Alex's mother while were here, waiting for my dad to come out of surgery. He had to have his appendix taken out. A few days before, he was throwing up, a high fever, so finally my mom forced him to go. I'm worried, Alex tells me it "will be ok."
Someone finally comes out at 12 am. She said "He was fine, but we should go home, and get some rest." My mom stayed, but I felt bad about just leaving him there.
We walk out of the hospital, not a word said. We get into the car, and start to drive, and Alex finally says "Let's go to a movie." "Alex it's 12 am no movie theater is open." I replied. It was silent for a second, then I said "I have a better idea." I smiled as Alex pulled into a Hotel.
"Alex, babe," I say gently. "Yea," he says out of breath under the sheets. "That was awesome," I say smiling at him, I'm under the sheets my hair messy. Silent for a second.
"Babe, Alex! I have to talk to you." I say ungently. "What is it babe?" Alex says quietly. Juliet was napping I rush in the door, this was something that would change our lives forever. I finally reach him, we sit at the kitchen table, "Well I went to the OBGYN today, and she told me that we can't have biological kids, anymore." I say upset. Alex didn't ask any questions, he just sat there staring. "It's ok, we can always adopt if we want more kids." He says as he stares at me in a gaze.
"So it's confirmed, you and Alex are officially you are this little,girls parents so what are you going to call her?" The judge says as she slams her hammer. "Dana, Dana Marie." I say quietly.
We walked out in shock. Our adoption had been a success. We now had to daughters Juliet Sky witch is 2 and now Dana Marie who is a few months old. I'm only 26, and already with kids wow how time flies. Alex and I took her home and put her in her crib, she was sleeping. Juliet came in Dana's bedroom. "Mommy I don't feel good" she says with a fragile look on her face. Alex walks over to her "What's wrong sweet?" He ask in a child voice "My belly hurts!" Juliet replied as she through up. Alex had a pale look on his face, he tells Juliet to go in the bathroom, he comes over to me, I can see a pile of blood on the floor, "Alex what's wrong" I say as I put Dana back into her crib. "Call 911 she's through ing up blood" Alex says as he goes into the bathroom to comfort Juliet. I run down the stairs getting the phone. I called. I grabbed Dana, and took her to my parents and rushed to the hospital. Juliet was sleeping when I got there Alex and I stood outside her door. He had blood on his hand, his gold wedding band stands out. I ask him what they did so far, he said they give her something to calm her. That's why she's sleeping. The nurse comes and talks to me and Alex "Dr. James Farr, oncologist wants to speak with you, both of you,"
We sat in the leathered seats. I think about Juliet for a second. Then Dr.Farr says "She has cancer." "I'm sorry can you repeat that again," I ask urgently. "Yes, your daughter has a rare blood cancer." He replies calmly. "No we caught it quick, so I believe 1 round of chemo should be successful." We both node, and he says we'll start a week from now.
I'm questioning if we should have gotten Dana. I'm sitting down in shock a tear rolls down my eyes. I'm in my office at home, the girls sleeping. I'm thinking about my grandpa. My Grandpa told me everything would be ok, I would always go to him with my problem, but he's in New Jersey, and Alex doesn't get along with him so we don't see him very often. Alex and I are talking are talking about moving to New York, he has a job offer there, so just maybe I will get to see my grandpa more often. But I don't know.

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