16 years later... Part 2 of 6

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"She's just has the flu," the ER doctor says calmly. "But what about her passing out?" Alex says as he holds me tight. "Well I would expect it with all the drugs in her system." The doctor says mocking. "Drugs?" I say questioning my daughter. The doctor shows me everything on the chart that showed up. At lease 13 drugs. "Mr. And Mrs. Chaz-" Alex interrupted, "Jay & Alex." "Jay and Alex," the doctor interrupts. "I'm recommending that Juliet should be admitted because of her addiction to all of these drugs." "What no! Are you trying to say we're not responsible parents?!?" I snap. Alex holds me back, and the doctor explains "its not because we're horrible parents, it's because Juliet needs help, and will be admitted to a mental hospital to wean her off all these pills ------------------------------------------" I zone out, and then I hear. "In my opinion, it's best that you don't see her until her tharapy is over, but I'll let you see her until she's at the mental hospital." I walk out and don't say a word. I get into my car and drive home. Alex calls

"What the hell Jay!?!??"
"Alex I needed to go home, because I have 7 other kids to look after, and it's all Juliet's fault! So why do I have to be there, the doctor ever said it Alex!"
"Well I'm staying here, I'll just sleep in the lobby until my shift starts."

I continue driving until I get to Jersey. I need to talk to my Grandfather.

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