I'm waiting

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I'm waiting for the doctor to tell me everything's ok, but I have a gut feeling that it's not. Alex sits next to me, he gives me that look. That look you know when your mom is concerned about you. The doctor interrupts his looks. I knew it, my cancer had returned.

It was a quite ride home, I haven't been doing much ever since I've been diagnosed with a brain tumor that once again returned. Dana cries on the baby monitor. I'm half asleep on the couch. Alex gets up, I hear him on the baby monitor singing. I hear silence, Alex comes back down stairs, I look at the clock 1 am. Alex comes back down stairs. "Jay why are you doing this to us?" He says silently. I give him a look that says shut up. "Alex I just need sometime ok?!??!" I snap. I hear little feet coming down the stairs, Me and Alex look. Her bald little head sparkles in the light. She tugs on Alex's pant leg. "Yes Jules, what is it?" Alex says. "I'm hungry," Juliet says in a cute child voice. "Really that's great honey! What do you want?" Alex says excitedly. Juliet hadn't been eating for months due to her chemo. "Chicken Nuggets and Mac-and-cheese," Juliet says, once again in her child voice. "Great I'm on it!"

I sit there in silence, watching my do the last drip. 2 hours of being here and finally I'm done. Now it's time for hell. Throwing up, tiredness, loosing weight. I look like a alive corpse. Everytime I shower, Alex can barely look. I know he wants to cry for days but he stays strong.
I snap out of my deep thinking as I watch the nurse take out my port. Alex is there holding my hand..... Just like when we were young.
"The chemo isn't working." Juliet doctor says to me and Alex. I try not to cry, but put of nowhere I say "Well what's next?" I say. "The cancer cells from her brain tumor are now in her blood so the first step would to be is to remove the brain tumor, the second step well, do you have a second biological child?" He says looking at me for an answer. "She has an adoptive sister," I say looking back at him. "Jay, Alex I'm going to recommend you to a enviro doctor." He pulls out a card the name George B. Pomma. "Forgive me but how is having another biological child going to help us, plus my wife has cancer she can't carry a child, the chemo would just kill the baby." Alex says standing up. "The frozen eggs," I say out loud, "The what?" Alex says questioning. I snap out of my phase "The frozen eggs, just before I started chemo when I was 16, my enviro doctor froze 12 eggs. We can get a serget." I say to Alex excitedly. "How would we know if the baby would be a match to Juliet?" Alex says gently. "We can make sure that it will happen, but you two really need to talk about this, Jay I know when you came here you always said you wanted 3 kids," The dr says convincing. "I know Dr. Mason." I think we should do it.
The serget mother calls, she announces everything is going great, were now at 7 months . We already thought of a name, Monica Kate (if it's a girl,) and if it's a boy, were thinking Greyson Herbert or Bradley Garret, but the serget said there's 6! We froze 6 of my eggs, and that all came back fertile! yup were going to have 8 kids! I finished my last chemo treatment, we already found out the genders, 3girls, and 3boys Alex is so excited, wow look at all of our kids, Juliet Sky, Dana Marie, Monica Kate, Kimberly Nicole, Heather Michelle, Greyson Herbert, Bradley Garret, and William Castor (Will for short)
"Alex I'm not ready!" I say in a panic. "It's ok, there's just going to be a bunch of tubs hooked up to them." Alex says calmly. I'm so greatful Alex went to medical school, he now calms me when ever I'm worried about a site I see. As we walk in, we take the elevator to the 3rd floor where our babies were. We walk strait ahead. "Name of the birth mom or parent." The nurse says at the front desk. "Cindy Willson." Alex says. "Follow me, we need to know the names." The nurse replies, and hands me a piece of paper, and tells me to write there names on it, but first she puts the letter of the baby, and the gender.
The list
Baby A, Girl - Monica Kate
Baby B, Boy - Greyson Herbert
Baby C, Girl - Kimberly Nicole,
Baby D, Girl - Heather Michelle
Baby E, Boy - Bradley Garret
Baby D, Boy - William Castor

As I hand the nurse the paper, sleeping arrangements go into my mind, we have 5 bedrooms, but were building a house that has 9 bedrooms, so everyone can have there own space. That will be done in a year, but I think what we're going to do is Alex & I, are staying in the same room, so is Dana, and Juliet, then the girls will share the room next to Juliet, and the boys near Juliet's room.
4 years later....
We finished the construction on our new house, and we are forced to think about Alex's job opportunity, they want an answer by Monday. So we decided to take the job, that we would buy a house in New York, stay there in the winter, then in the summer fly back to Texas, so our kids can see Alex and I's family.
Moving day, we set our mind on a 6 bedroom house we already have the bedrooms figured out,
Monica and Kimberly - share room 1, left upstairs
Heather and Dana - Share room 2 left upstairs
Greyson and Bradley - Share room 3 right upstairs
William - gets his own room because he has insomnia, and tends to keep people up down stairs room 4 just off the living room
Juliet - own room with her own bathroom (because of the chemo we want her to have her own bathroom, so the other kids don't get scared when they hear her throwing up,) just next to the kitchen, bedroom 5
Me and Alex's room - right next to Juliet's so we can hear her if she needs help or anything.
"The transplant of the core-blood did work," the doctor says happily as I start to cry Juliet is with Alex, and I'm happy to report it, after 4 years were finally free!

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