Creation C

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I gaze into the mirror
It's surface scratched up and cracked
Just like my own metallic body
Is my mind playing tricks, or?
Is that tufts of fur poking up between the bits?
Like weeds through old concrete
Though long gone, it's a reminder of my creator
A true beast, a monster in every way
With matted fur and gnarled claws
It created few, but hurt many more
I was it's newest bot, built by accident
It's third, Creation C
Much to it's dislike

I feel like I have no right to
It's other creations suffered far worse than me
But I still feel like it left me somehow
Different than the rest
They walk around as flesh and bone
While I clink and clatter my hollow body
Is it programming he left behind?
Ingrained in the bits of fur I see sprouting from my seams?
The DNA built into me?
Or did the dents in my head piece scramble my code long ago?

They laugh and cry, shout with joy
While I feel like I'm merely
Reflecting their feelings off my once shining surface
A mirror for their emotions
Except for the anger

Ones and zeroes turn to wrath and resentment
It feels like the only thing I'm allowed to feel
I hope I wasn't built to be like my creator
But sometimes I feel it's in my programming
Like a brand new monster is waiting
Just underneath, my cold surface
A bot that feels like a beast

I met someone, warm and bright
Although she also has been hurt
Far worse than me
Creators far worse than my own
But somehow, she's not like me
She stayed human, and I almost envy her
But I think I love her more

I hope these are my true feelings, and not just a reflection
She assures me that I'm human like her
But I just don't see it, or feel it
But we're making a child of our own creation
But what am I going to do if I can't show them true care?
If I show them a mere reflection of the love beside me
I hope I don't end up like my creator
But does how I feel already prove I'm not?
I hope my creation, my child, is not like me
But with a mother like her, I think they'll be just fine

It's hard to feel, but I feel that much could be true

I gaze into the mirror
It's surface scratched up and cracked
Unlike my own human body
Is my mind playing tricks, or?
Has she shown me a piece of who I could be?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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