Commission The Company

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Welcome one and all to Childhood Fictional Crushes Inc! Did YOU ever had a childhood crush that was NOT real because they were in some really old movie you watched a very old time ago? Then this is the place for YOU! Just commission the company and we'll send you a mediocre reader, self insert  or OC Fan fiction just for you, It also comes with some funny surprise digital gifts with your commission, like MEMES and ART! Here's the form to fill out at the bottom. You can put the form in the comments area or private message me if you're too shy. I'll put your name as anonymous or if you want me to share your username in the story!



Fandom/Piece of media you want me to write about:

Character from the piece of media you want me to ship you or an oc with:

OC or Y/N?:

Any ideas for the plot?:

Type of personality or things I need to know for Y/N or OC?:

Any other things you want me to add to the story?:

Thanks for filling out the form and reading this! Have a weird day!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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