Meeting the Ghost of Christmas Future

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GHOST MARSHALL (IN YOUR HEAD): Double Voice The Ghost of Christmas Future will be here soon Screeches

Y/N: Gasps I must be in the future.

You look around

Y/N: Whoa, what happened to this place? It looks like a Winter Wonderland Wasteland.

You get up and walk through the Lookout doors.

Y/N: Echoes Hello, is anyone here?

Y/N: This place looks so creepy when deserted.

Y/N: Echoes Hello, if anyone is here please answer me! I'm sorry I caused Christmas to get cancelled! I didn'd mean to make everyone sad and break the PAW Patrol apart! If you can here me, please come out!

GHOST CHASE: Demonic Voice You're too late, everyone is gone.

Y/N: Who said that?

GHOST CHASE: Demonic Voice I did!

Ghost Chase appears in front of you in a blast of Red and Black Smoke

Y/N: Screams Don't hurt me!

You back up against a wall

GHOST CHASE: Demonic Voice I am the ghost of Christmas Future and I am here to escort you to your final resting place.

Y/N: My final rest-- Gasps wait no, no, no!

The background falls apart and you and Ghost Chase end up in a cemetery next to your grave.

Y/N: Wait, no, please. Give me another chance I can be better.

Hands come out of your grave and pull you down, but you hang o to the edges for dear life, literally.

GHOST CHASE: Demonic Voice There is no second chances in life. You only get one chance.

Y/N: What about relationships?

GHOST CHASE: Demonic Voice Relationships are different. You ruines Christmas for everyone, you broke up the PAW Patrol and it's your fault everyone is dead and gone!

Y/N: Wait, everyone died?

GHOST CHASE: Demonic Voice Yes, they all died miserable and alone! You deserve this, you deserve to go to the underworld! YOU ACTIONS WILL NEVER BE FORGIVEN!!

Thunder crashes and the blizzard gets worse.

A discombobulated Sweetie crawls up towards the entrance of your grave and she grabs onto your back paw which makes you scream like a girl.

ZOMBIE SWEETIE: Join us, join us in the grave of misery. Look what you did to me. Loooook! Join us and end your misery

Y/N: No, nooooooooo!

You kick Zombie Sweetie off of your leg back leg and she falls back down in the grave.

GHOST CHASE: Demonic Voice You could've lived a happy life, but instead you chose to live a miserable life, so you die miserable. Goodbye, Scrooge, forever!

Ghost Chase laughs evilly, knocks your paws off the edge of the grave and you fall down in the grave.

Y/N: Noooooooooo!

The black background starts spinning around rapidly, you start fading away and than you land on your bed in your secret layer and get startled awake.

Y/N: Screams Oh, it was just a terrible dream. Wait what time is it?

You look at your alarm clock

Y/N: Oh no, it's Christmas Morning. I gotta shut off that Christmas Cancel-inator.

AUTOMATIC FEMALE VOICE: Christmas Cancel-inator will go off in 60, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50--

Y/N: Oh no, it's down to the final countdown. Gotta press the self-destruct button.

You look around the entire Inator

Y/N: Where is it? Where is it?

AUTOMATIC FEMALE VOICE: 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15---

You find the button

Y/N: Ah-ha there it is.

You push the button

AUTOMATIC FEMALE VOICE: Are you sure you wanna self-destruct?

A pop-up thing pops up that says "Yes" and "No" and you push the "Yes" Button.

AUTOMATIC FEMALE VOICE: Self-Destruct in three... Two... One.

The Inator Self-Destructs, it destroys your underground lair and the big explosion is heard around town and all the way to Foggy Bottom and Seal Island

AUTOMATIC FEMALE VOICE: Self-Destruct complete. Christmas is saaaaa---

The voice shuts off

Y/N: Whew, that was close.

You look around at your destroyed lair.

Y/N: Sighs sadly I guess I need to find a new place to live.

You climb out of the destroyed lair and at the top you see people waiting around the hole.

Y/N: Hello, everybody.

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