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I had everything that anyone could never imagined a happy family,simple lifestyle,good positive vibe and always have time as a Christian family to have a session to Christ and strengthen our faith to meditate and console our hearts,mind,soul and connect as one to The Lord and have a day to cleanse our sins and never think of any worries for a moment and enjoy the creation of God the animals,the environment,the other humans,the universe the vast skies beyond our eyes and never think of imperfections to ourselves because as a family were not perfect but we as family shine as one in light there's no pretension or pretend we admit our flaws as human beings and learn and reflect to our past mistakes and change it and not be blind in temptation because we will never find happiness if we don't strive to have what we have now and if we go to a rough rocky path where everything our hearts desire we lost our existence and never find what we really seek for.And we always visit and give charity and donations by us volunteering to a charity work on a group of poor orphan children in the society to share our blessings to them.I've had wonderful memories that keep.My motto that i always do,we can make the impossibe be possible if we analyze the concept well.And i never hated anyone.I've forgiven my enemies,friends,family,cousins and neighbors because everyone deserves another chance.Even if others hurt us major or minor bruises we just forget it,change them for the better,accept and reunite with them.I share the love and light i experienced not just to the people I knew since birth but other people,I've encounter and give them good advices and inspire them to appreciate life even more.Because I believe every bad person has a good heart inside them even if they do things wrongly.maybe they are caught up in a situation that is so hard to resist.Because when we criticize others were just like them a bad fruit that is rotten and a decay that should be trashed in a a bin. If we will just open our hearts and mind to everyone around us then there are no criminals,snatchers,killers around and maybe everything are in peace.So we should always appreciate what we have and not hate The Lord because our lives are miserable.Because we create our own story and discover it.Always seek His guidance &forgiveness.

But I thought everything would last forever,to cherish and treasure what I have but my dream reality soon crumpled and the foundation to it fall down and vanished in an instant.I thought i could maintain my old self even if i had no one to rely anymore.I always think that if I experienced a worse pain I can stand on my own feet and held my face up high never backing down.But I was darn wrong my entire parts of my body and muscular system hit me like a tone of bricks,like a roller coaster ride.I felt a pierced shot of arrow of thorns within my entire core and body that never healed,no cure in my sickness.I conclude to myself that if i've experienced it i can still help other people and make them happy and not sad anymore.But I was wrong again.No words can describe it,how I felt,it was painful if your world is crushed that left no traces of footprints in the sand.I can't help them if I to first felt pain in my life.I've had always sleepless night and just felt never wake up to not feel the pain in my heart.I can't think straight anymore.I lost faith to the Lord.I am truly inspired by our Lord Jesus who overcame the temptation He experienced from Satan.He was faithful to God the Father.Shortcomings may come our way but our faith will hold us together.Sometimes, no matter how much i ran i kept getting back to dark forest.I felt haunted of my nightmare that I can't forget,move on and accept.It's like a maze that i can't find an exit but there's none,a prisoner that is caged that can't escape because there's no key at all and a creature that is trapped in a depths of the a water that can't get back to the surface of the land.The everlasting brightness I've had tarnished and became faded.The colors of the world to me became black.The only thing i can see is pure darkness.And no matter what my cold hands try to reach that certain near light I can't reach or grasp it, it's getting further and further to see within my shut eyes till it's gone again.I've become an empty soul trapped in my human body I've grown to numb,lifeless,alone and fragile.Countless times i just want to end my misery and lose hope and give in to the mist of black smoke surrounding me.And erase the broken pieces of shards within me.Because I want to have my past life and it'll be healed.See my family again and reunite to them.I lose hope and waited longingly for someone to search me,guide me and help me get back to the light I once knew.But my destiny had another thing,to have a peaceful death but it never came.An image of a figure of a dark/light came to me i thought I was hallucinating or just a miraculous dream so i rub my eyes and slap my face it hurt so this is real the figure never moved but still there.He/she waiting for me for some reason,i thought he/she is wasting his/her time and i know he/she will be tired waiting and mostly be gone.But he/she never left i was shocked and surprised.I thought maybe she/he is waiting for someone else and not me because no one will ever help to take me out of darkness i was permanent in there.I can't see his/her face but she/he suddenly he/she held out hand to me to take.I can't hear what his/her saying.But I accept his/her hand and was swept by the sound of the wind.It will never be the same again.

Hoping my first writing will be appreciated by many.I enjoyed writing all of my thoughts & apparently, this is fictional.Kindly update me for your suggestions particularly if you have name of characters in mind..enjoy reading! Bunch of thanks to those who will read it😊.


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