Don x Fem!Reader

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A/n: this is written in third person rather than second person

Plot: Don takes you on an overly romantic elusive date.

The chilly air blew down her exposed back, the foreign feeling sending goosebumps all over her skin. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the burning red dusk began to fade away, darkness soon swallowing the girl as she drove down vacant roads.

Her knee bounced, the hem of her bright red dress fluttering with each bump of her leg, excitement and curiosity consuming her thoughts. Soon, the jitters got the better of her as she bit her lip, eyes falling onto her phone, quickly picking it up to dial her boyfriend who had planned an elusive date for the two of them. Her eyes darted from her phone to the road as she dialed in the numbers, tapping the call button and holding it up to her ear.

"¿Mi querida? (My dear?)" The man answered, his smooth velvety voice still causing butterflies to flit around in her stomach.

"Are you finding the place alright?" He asked her, worry evident in his tone. She nodded, knowing that he wouldn't be able to see her head bobbing.

"Yes, my love. I think I'm on the right track, but could you please tell me where I'm going now?" She pleaded with him, trying her best to put on a sweet tone, attempting to butter him up enough to tell her.

"Ah ah mi amor, I would not ruin the surprise so soon." He answered back smugly. She huffed and bit her cheek. With a sigh, she looked back to her phone and looked over the instructions once more.

"Fine, I'll be there soon... I think." She said and pressed 'end call'. She furrowed her brows, focus set on the road, and just as soon as she thought the road would never end, she approached a turn. The sign that accompanied it read 'National Park'. Strange. She thought to herself. I never knew there was a national park around here. Well, leave it to don to find it aha.

She smiled to herself, warmth engulfing her chest as she thought about her lover, the famous matador and boxer, Don Flamenco. He always had some beautiful date planned, always leaving her in awe, and always taking romance to an extreme. A quiet giggle bubbled in her chest as she approached the parking lot. The man who was previously occupying her thoughts now in view, leaning against his own car, beautiful bouquet of roses in hand.

He turned towards her direction as her car approached, headlights quickly turning off as to not blind him. He rushed to her car door and as soon as he heard 'click!' from the car signalling it had been unlocked, he opened it, hand out for her to grab. She gently laid her delicate hand on his more calloused one as she took her first step out of the car. Once she stood in front of him completely, he stared at her form, eyes sparkling with adoration.

He reached his face down to her hand which was still held in his, lips brushing against her knuckles with such tenderness it made her heart swell.

"Vida mía...(My life...)" He whispered and stood back up, leveling with her eyes.

"You are so very beautiful, (Y/N)." He said, hand tilting her chin slightly upwards. Light red dusted her cheeks, and he kissed them gently, placing the bright red bouquet in her hands. She clutched them and smiled to herself, feeling her heart beat loudly in her chest, and she wondered if he could hear it. He took one of the roses and gingerly tucked it behind her ear, lightly rubbing his thumb against her cheek.

She giggled at his action and twirled her dress slightly. "So, what's up with this place? What'd you plan this time, Don?"

The Spaniard shook his head and let his hand fall into her free one, sly grin plastered on his face.

"You shall see, amor." He said and began tugging her hand, beckoning her to follow him. She obliged and allowed him to lead her down a path. They passed many bushes and leaves crunched under their feet.

Soon enough, they approached a beautiful white gazebo, vines with little flowers littering the white columns, and a small table set with a white cloth and fancy silverware garnished with roses all around stood in the middle of it.

The Spaniard tightened his grip on her hand as she gasped, eyes sparkling under the stars. "Don... You did this all for me?" She spoke softly, words wavering like she couldn't believe her eyes.

"Sí, amor. All for you." He whispered in her ear, grinning as she shivered lightly. Her eyes moved towards his, and she felt her heart speed up as he stared at her with nothing but love in his beautiful orbs. He continued to lead her up the gazebo, watching as she lightly stepped towards the table. He pulled a chair out for her and she smirked at him. "So gentlemanly." She giggled.

Don quirked his brow "I aim to please." He said and sat down in his own seat. His hand moved over to the metal platter that sat in the middle of the table, and he moved the covering off to reveal her favorite main course. She couldn't help the giddy smile that graced her face, it was all as if it were out of some cheesy romance film. The smell of the food radiated off the plate, and she could feel her mouth watering at it.

Don took notice of this and began to serve her. "Enjoy, amor." He told her as he folded his hands under his chin, watching his love enjoy the food he made himself. The cool air blew softly at her skin and hair, moonlight haloed around her head making it look as though she were an angel. The man sighed to himself, resting his chin on his fingers, eyeing her dreamily. He really did love her.

She soon finished her plate, taking one of the silky napkins and lightly tapping at the corners of her mouth. "That was amazing, I can't believe you set all of this up for me..." She spoke to him, eyes soft and full of adoration for her lover.

"Yes well, I do love you, wasn't too sure I have made that clear enough." He said to her, a light tone in his voice. She giggled, the mirth that spilled out of her mouth made his heart flutter. "Of course Don, and I love you too!" She smiled, flashing her teeth at him.

The night played out entirely, and she spent it all with Don, laughing and talking about her life with him. It was a wonderful night, and she couldn't wait for the next one he had planned. Or perhaps she'd plan the next date with him.

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