Little Mac x Fem!Reader [Requested]

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Plot: You bandage Mac up after a fight.

Written in 3rd person.

The pain Mac felt burning through his arm made him visibly cringe. The pain felt like dozens of needles had been slammed into his arm, causing an almost numbing feeling. His bruised head throbbed, a nasty headache beginning to form, and his abdomen ached something fierce when he attempted to put any pressure on it.

The girl who stood next to him could hear his groans of agony and she sucked in her breath through her teeth. She glanced uncomfortably at him, the corners of her mouth tugged into a frown at the sight of her boyfriend in so much pain. Mac's trainer, Doc, left the couple alone together, mainly because she had asked Doc if she could tend to the wounds that the cutman hadn't already cleaned up themselves.

She ran a clean white rag through a sink, squeezing all of the excess water out and making her way back over to Mac. She kneeled next to him, and lightly dabbed at his face wounds. She cringed when he winced, and she softly apologized. He shook his head and let her continue.

He stared into her eyes, trying to take his focus away from the pain of the contact on his injuries. When she was finished she noticed his eyes lingering on hers and she smiled sweetly at him. She delicately laid her fingers along the part of his face that wasn't hurt, and he leaned into her touch.

"You're the best (Y/N), you know that?" Mac said to his girlfriend, and he replaced the grimace on his face with a smile for the first time in the past few hours. She was always able to do that somehow, always able to make him smile no matter how much pain he was in.

A small giggle formed in her chest and she smiled again at him, looking into his love ladened orbs. He leaned closer to her, his hand now placed onto hers. He stopped just as their lips were about to meet, silently asking for permission, only for her to lean in all the way and kiss him.

She felt his chapped lips caress hers softly, and she couldn't help a grin from forming onto her face. The kiss was short lived as he pulled away first, his hand still laid on top of hers. She was lovestruck for a few moments before focusing in again, and cocking her eyebrow at the boxer.

"Are you distracting me?" She said as she looked towards the bottle of hydrogen peroxide. She geared her vision back towards Mac and could see the beads of sweat forming on his face.

"Pf- what? no. Do we have to use the rubbing alcohol though?" He frowned again, wincing at the sight of the bottle. She tsked and took the bottle into her hands.

"Do you want to risk an infection?" She asked, smirk playing on her lips while her brow remained quirked. He sighed and shook his head no.

"No, not really, just- give me a second" he pleaded and looked anywhere BUT the bottle. The girl groaned and took a new towel, dousing it with the rubbing alcohol.

"Mac. You're more afraid of this then you are of King Hippo. That guy pulverized you, and all this is gonna do is sting!" She exasperated towards him tiredly. Mac could feel heat rise to his face, hue reaching all the way to his ears.

"I know! I just... Fine, do it!" He said and as the words fell out of his mouth she did it. Placing the now wet rag over the open wound on his forehead and he reeled away from her, but she was relentless and kept her hand straight on his forehead. He groaned in pain but she never stopped.

She continued to place the rubbing alcohol on his wounds until she was finished, finally placing a bandage over his forehead. She smiled contently, and Mac looked away, pouting.

"I get it, it hurt" she said and directed his face back towards hers. She leaned into him and pecked him on the lips before getting up to clean all of the supplies. Just as Mac was about to chase after her, a familiar voice sounded in the room.

"How's he doing?" Doc asked her and she froze in place. "Oh, he's great! See!" She said and moved aside for the former boxer to see Mac.

"Oh I'll bet he is after that kiss." He teased as both her and Mac's face blossomed with bright reds and pinks. Doc just laughed and patted her on the back. She smiled at him, then at Mac, who's flustered look lingered on his features.

She liked cleaning up Mac's wounds, mainly because if it wasn't for her, there'd likely be a risk of infections because of Mac's undying fear of Hydrogen peroxide. A warm feeling crept into her chest as Doc continued to laugh, and Mac loosened up, a small chuckle forming in his chest.

After she finished cleaning up with the help of Doc, they all left the building in unison, and Doc offered to take them both for food, to which they accepted. The day ended in her, smugly, telling Doc of Mac's fear, much to Mac's dismay.

A/N: I'm sorry if the ending was lackluster I ran out of ideas :')

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2022 ⏰

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