Sam And AK(A Short Love Story)

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Dear readers, 

I had so much fun writing this love story. I just somehow adore the idea of a relationship based on shared messages leading to the attraction of minds instead of it based on looks. 

Hope you'll enjoy it. 

Please vote and comment if you do. 

Happy Reading. 




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Dear friend,

Happy Sixteenth Birthday! I hope you like the gift. I'm kind of a book fanatic, and The Perks of Being A Wallflower is one of my favorite books. So I couldn't think of a better gift for you.

I don't know if you know me. I'm one of your boyfriend's friends. But if you don't, it's okay. I'm used to not being seen. I'm like Charlie. Just there, listening and understanding. But sometimes, the pressure builds up inside, and I have to speak up.

And this is how I speak. I write notes. This book seemed like a perfect vehicle for my note, but if you're offended, please burn this and forget I exist. I promise it's not tough.

I don't like how your boyfriend treats you, and I don't think you like it either. I noticed your fallen smile when you proudly announced your achievement of being selected as the most graceful dancer in your dance academy, and he laughed it off as nothing because who does ballet in Indore anyway. Every one of his friends laughed with him in the lunchroom, but I didn't.

And this is not the first time I've noticed his misbehavior. I don't know why you put up with him. I hope it's not because, as Bill said, "We accept the love we think we deserve." You deserve so much more.

I know I am invited to your birthday party only because I'm in your boyfriend's friends group. And he just passed on the invitation as a charity, but I'll be there because you deserve to be celebrated. So even if my presence is insignificant, know that you're not.

Best wishes


P.S. In case you think I'm not a stalker, you can write to me at 


I scan the book from cover to cover. What does AK stand for? Except for the handwritten note, there are no inked words on the pages.

Obviously, this note is for Simmi as she lent me this book. However, she forgot to mention it was one of her birthday gifts last month, and it hides a heartfelt note from a guy who has a crush on her.

I jump out of bed and rush to Simmi's house, which is on the next block on my Activa.

I toss the book on Simmi's table in her room. Simmi is asleep. She opens her eyes and cries out. "Ugh! What do you want? I thought that book would keep you busy for hours."

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