🐰Amber x Reader🔥

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"It's so cold, you should hold my hand, so it doesn't freeze."
"I'm not that cold, I can give you my gloves if you want." 🔥💕

"Well than take care traveler !" Amber hummned after traveler who was heading out too the mountains with Albedo. I smiled at him and his traveling companion Piamon, who waved back. "Well Joel want too get too the snowman building now!" Amber asked, maybe even a bit more excited than Joel himself. Joel ofc quickly nodded and ran twoards and big pile of snow, almost slipping on some ice. "Careful you both" i chuckle crossing my arms slightly shaking my head at amber, who'd just nervous smile at me before finishing the snowmans belly. Joel already started forming the head shape. Not wanting too stand around i deviced too go look for sticks, stones or other stuff too use as decoration. Once we set everything together it looked a tat wonky but, it was unique. My eye shift over too an shivering Amber. "Amber, darling you're freezing hold my hand" I point out. Her face quickly heating up at the nickname before she could quickly snap out of it "No no i'm fine Y/N" She took off her gloves stepping foward a bit "I'm not cold at all, after all i have my pyro vision that keeps me warm don't i ? Here you should have my gloves. You didn't even dress Properly !" The red bunny girl pointed out, slipping the gloves onto your finger. The way she cared was really sweet, causing you too avoid her gaze too suppress the butterflies in your stomach. "Auntie Amber ! Auntie/Uncle Y/N ! I finished the snowman !!!" Huh maybe kids aren't that bad ? Atleast you don't have too embarrass yourself Infront of Amber anymore. Trying too suppress a laugh at the deformed snowman, it looked all wired and ??? It went trough a tuff time you'd guess. "Woah your snowman is the coolest isn't it Y/N" Amber asked you with an beaming smile on her face, a bit of blush covering her cheeks, ears and nose. Mabye it was the cold or just you.

A.N : i'm sorry if this sucks OWJWJEK <3

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