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THERE WAS AN APPREHENSIVENESS IN THE DAYS LEADING UP TO ADELAIDE'S FIRSR TUTORING SESSION WITH FRED. When she thought about it, she got all jittery and nervous. She hadn't told Mavis yet. It would only fuel her conspiracies more, and Adelaide didn't need that.

Adelaide and Mavis hadn't been the same since the other night at dinner; Adelaide knew Mavis was hiding something. It was irking her, like an itchy tag on her jumper. It wasn't like Mavis to keep a secret, from Adelaide, no less. There was a ridge growing between them with every passing day that Mavis had hours unaccounted for, with no explanation to offer.

Friday came. It was a beautiful sunny day, and the Hogwarts grounds were golden with the autumn scenery. It was such a refreshing break from the cold and the fog, Adelaide thought as she came in from Quidditch practice that morning. Fred, who had seemingly memorized her schedule at this point, was leaning one shoulder against the wall as she entered into the castle.

"Merlin!" Adelaide gasped when she saw him. "What're waiting like that for? You scared me half to death." Fred just laughed and shook his head, amused at her skittish reaction. "And how'd you know I'd be coming in this way?" "You always do," he said matter-of-factly. "And I need to ask you something."

Adelaide nodded. "Are we still on for tonight?" Fred asked. "Well, yes," Adelaide said. "Before dinner?" Fred clarified, to which Adelaide nodded again. "I've told you this at least three times now." Fred shrugged. "Maybe I just wanted an excuse to talk to you," he said, and winked. Adelaide rolled her eyes and shoved his shoulder. "Move, please," she groaned. "You're in my way."

"See you before dinner!" Fred called to her retreating back. Adelaide raised a hand in acknowledgment and hurried to her room to change.

Was she really tutoring Fred tonight? She could be reading, or talking to Mavis, or...anything else really. She cursed herself for blurting out that suggestion last week. What was she thinking?

However, Adelaide had this tickling feeling, like she didn't really mind it all that much. Like she was actually excited? Impossible. There was so many things she'd rather be doing on a Friday night than tutoring Fred.

Who was she kidding? She didn't even like reading that much.

Adelaide ate breakfast alone; Mavis had been gone when she'd reached the dormitory. She was a few seats away, in front of Cedric, throwing her head back and laughing obnoxiously. Henrietta, a second year, tapped Adelaide's shoulder. Adelaide's eyes snapped to the younger girl, who wordlessly pointed at the cup of pumpkin juice in front of her, which was now on its side, liquid spilling out onto Adelaide's front. "Damn!" she hissed, quickly righting the cup and shaking out her robes onto the floor. The puddle left a large wet spot all over her clothes.

Adelaide groaned and got up from the table, storming out of the hall. She was so distracted by Mavis, Mavis seemingly ignoring her, wracking her brain, trying to understand what this secret was. Her hands were sticky from the pumpkin juice, and she stepped into the bathroom on the way to the Hufflepuff common room.

As she turned on the faucet and let the water run over her hands, she caught sight of someone behind her in the mirror and jolted. "Godric Almighty!" she yelped, flinging water onto the mirror. Her outburst startled Mavis, who looked at her in surprise.

Once Adelaide realized who it was, she set her face into a blank expression and resumed washing her hands. "Why did you follow me?" Mavis sighed. "I saw you leave, I wanted to make sure you were okay." "I'm fine," Adelaide snapped, turning off the sink and drying her hands on her sleeve. "Don't lie," Mavis pleaded, grabbing Adelaide's wrist as she went to leave the bathroom.

"I'll stop lying when you stop keeping secrets from me."

Mavis' face went deep red. "Addie." That one word was loaded with emotion. Adelaide couldn't bring herself to look up. "Fine. Since you're being such a prick about it, I'll tell you." Mavis took a long breath in. "I've been seeing Cedric." Adelaide's head snapped up. "What?" Despite the weight of the moment, Mavis had a weak smile on her face. "I-I've been seeing Cedric. In secret."

A wide smile broke out on Adelaide's face as she grabbed Mavis in a fierce hug. "Mavis! Why didn't you tell me?" Adelaide shrieked, Mavis covering her mouth with her hand. "Hush! Did you miss the part about it being in secret?" "I was too busy processing the fact that you are seeing Cedric Diggory, champion of Hogwarts." "Oh, please don't call him that." As Mavis caught her breath from Adelaide's constricting hug, Adelaide chewed her nails nervously. Mavis stood quietly, an expectant look on her face.

"I'm sorry for being such an arse this morning. I was surprised when you didn't wait up for me like you normally do," Adelaide admitted. "And, I'm hurt I didn't know what was going on with you." Mavis looked down at her feet. "I'm sorry, too. For not telling you." Adelaide shook her head. "It's okay, I'm just glad I know now."

Mavis hugged Adelaide softly and then stepped back. "Not. A. Word. To anybody. Or I will literally murder you." Adelaide laughed, as she stood on her tiptoes to loom over Mavis' head. "I'm not particularly scared of you, I have to say." Mavis laughed and pushed Adelaide out of the way. "Let's go get some new clothes for you. We have Divination after breakfast!" Adelaide groaned. "Why, Merlin, why?"

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