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"TRY AND KEEP THE CASUALTIES TO A MINIMUM TODAY, CHILDREN," Professor Snape said. Fred and George snickered, and Snape snapped at them. "That was directly at you two. No funny business today. But I may be too late in saying that, after that stunt you pulled yesterday." His voice was full of disdain, but Lee Jordan, the twins' best friend, gave Fred a low-five behind his back.

"Today, we will be learning about love potions." Adelaide wiggled her eyebrows at Mavis, who giggled. "This is for reference only; love potions are quite powerful, and shouldn't be taken lightly. Don't get any ideas." Despite Snape's borderline horrid personality, Potions was one of the classes Adelaide genuinely enjoyed. It was a lot like cooking. At least that's how she explained it to her parents, when they'd asked about school.

Her parents were Muggles, and the most Muggle-y Muggles that Adelaide had ever met. You-Know-Who would have a field day with her. If he ever came back, God forbid.

Adelaide opened her notebook and directed her attention toward the front of the class. "The main focus of today's lesson will be Amortentia," Snape began. "Most of you have probably heard of this in passing, but in case you haven't, it's the strongest love potion in the world."

Adelaide opened her notebook as Snape began rattling off the characteristics of Amortentia, constantly stressing the dangers of it. "Amortentia cannot create love. Nothing can do that. This potion merely causes the person it's used on to have an unhealthy obsession with the user." He turned to face them. "My advice to you would be to not play around with this potion. Underestimating its affects can be fatal."

Adelaide rolled her eyes at Mavis as Snape continued the lesson. Even though he was quite sulky, he had a flair for the dramatic.

She could hear Fred, George, and Lee snickering loudly as Snape spoke. She wasn't the most studious person, but when it came to classes she liked, she wanted to get the information she needed and be done with it. It was hard to do that with those three causing a ruckus in her peripheral.

"Hey," Adelaide whispered, trying not to cause more noise. They didn't hear her, and she sighed. She pulled out her wand and pointed it at Fred's notebook, which rested on the corner of his desk. "Descendo," she whispered, and his notebook fell to the floor with a smack.

Snape turned around sharply and glared at the class. "Keep the antics to a minimum, please, or I'll be inclined to deduct points from each house." The Gryffindors huffed at the Hufflepuffs, while they looked around confused. Snape continued teaching, and a folded piece of parchment flopped in the middle of Adelaide's notebook. She tapped it with the end of her wand, and the words "What was that for?" appeared on it. She looked up and saw Fred staring at you with a confused look. She made a zipping motion across her mouth, and he smiled. "Sorry to disturb you," he mouthed, and Adelaide rolled her eyes.

She looked away, but Fred didn't. When she noticed he was still staring, she raised her eyebrows in question. He smiled and shook his head, and turned back toward the front of the class. Adelaide shoved his note into her bag and hastily began copying down the notes she'd missed.


"Next lesson, we will be making our own Amortentia," Snape concluded as the class gathered their belongings. "And I'm warning you now, if there's any suspicious activity following that, there will be consequences."

Mavis nudged Adelaide's arm as she put her notebook, quills, and ink into her bag. "So what was that about?" "What, the notebook thing? They were being loud, I could barely hear what Snape was saying." Mavis smirked. "Not that, silly. Fred was staring at you," she said in a sing-song voice. Adelaide made a face. "As if. Probably plotting on how to get me back with a prank or something." Mavis shook her head. "No, I don't think so," she said. "I think you've caught his fancy." She poked Adelaide's arm jokingly.

"So be it. I hope he moves on quickly," Adelaide said, following the rest of the class out the door. Someone tapped her shoulder; when she turned around, she saw it was Fred. "Hello," she said, doing her best not to be rude. "Hi," Fred said, straightening the strap of his bag on his shoulder. "I really have to run, Addie," Mavis said, faking looking at a watch, as she rushed out down the corridor, leaving Adelaide and Fred standing outside the door.

"What was that for?" Fred asked. "Pushing my notebook onto the floor?" "It wasn't anything personal, I was trying to pay attention and it was hard with you lot talking and laughing practically right in my ear." "Huh," he said, leaning against the wall. "Funny, I don't remember being in your ear. Maybe my memory is going." Adelaide laughed. "Yes, the long white beard would suggest some memory problems." "Funny girl," Fred said sarcastically, but she could see he was kidding.

"Thanks for keeping me, but I have to catch up with my friend," Adelaide explained, turning to leave. "Wait," Fred said, putting his hand on the back of her arm to stop her. "I'm sorry if I disturbed you." "It was nothing more than a minor annoyance." He shrugged. She didn't say anything, and neither did he. She looked around at the ceiling and he at the floor. Fred put his hand on the back of his neck as they stood there in silence awkwardly. "Oi, Fred!" George called from the top of the steps. "What're you doing? Get a move on!" Fred seemed to shake out of his apologetic stance and rushed past Adelaide to catch up with his twin. "See you!" he called, and then he was gone.

Adelaide adjusted her bag and hurriedly climbed the steps to find Mavis waiting around the corner at the top. Adelaide gasped. "My God, Mavis!" she huffed. "I nearly jumped out of my skin!" "Sorry, sorry," Mavis apologized. "What did he say to you?" "What?" Mavis rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Fred! What did he say?" "Oh, um, he just said sorry for being loud," Adelaide explained. "That's it?" Mavis asked. "Yes," Adelaide said, exasperated. "What is it with you?" "Trust me, Addie," Mavis began. "I can tell when someone fancies someone else. And I can tell you that Fred has a crush on you." "And why is that? Because I was rude and pushed his notebook onto the floor?" Mavis sighed. "You'll see. Trust me." She glanced at one of the clocks on the wall in the corridor. "We should be going."

They started walking quickly to their next class, which was Transfiguration, and Mavis kept shooting knowing glances at Adelaide. "Stop that!" Mavis just laughed and pulled on Adelaide's arm to hurry her further.

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