Chapter 3

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"Do you remember Hanagaki Takemichi..?"

The ringing and the voice stopped after saying that last question and it was back to normal but the atmosphere was quiet no one spoke a word and couldn't comprehend what had happened but just seeing each other expression they knew they all heard it.

Even though the voice stopped it still kept repeating in their heads nonstop about the last question and the more they thought about it they more they seem familiar with the name. It felt like the name they would always say with a warm smile.

All of them left and went home not saying a word they just tried and get at least a good night sleep but it didn't happen the voice kept pestering them it was still on their mind But after awhile they all fell asleep.

As soon as they opened their eyes they saw a pitch black room. But then saw a bright light just a few meters away from them and in those few meters revealed a petite like boy with puffy and fluffy looking blonde hair and in those beautiful features they saw his beautiful pure blue eyes it matched the blue calm sky he was standing under on while they were standing under a dark pitch black one. The boy then turned and looked at them they all then noticed how more skinny he was than most male his age but it was barely noticeable

"You look tired, you should get some more sleep after being pestered by 'it' "

Was what the boy said to them their eyes widened by the warm smile he gave them, the pitch black room slowly turned to the blue sky and green grass but what was more lovely and beautiful was the boy smiling at them before saying something while they slowly wake up they could somehow hear the words coming out of the boy mouth

"You guys are better not remembering me"


Exactly 4 days later they were all called back to the shrine at the same time as yesterday incident and they were quiet suprised knowing the other's were dreaming the exact same thing as well "Puffy blonde hair, blue oceanic eyes, and a beautiful scenery" The exact description they all remembered of the boy in their dreams.

"I mean I don't mind having an adorable guy smiling at me every time i dream as if i just got home and was greeted by him as a wife— but that's not the point everytime I f***ing wake up it's always! ALWAYS! in the middle of the night! But i can't sleep again after that and I don't know why..!!"

"....okay first of all- Izana....i never knew you're a perv and a simp second of all...same that happened to me too."

"I think i'll be getting less sleep tonight.." Chifuyu said as he had visible black circle under his eyes "i woke up to cold sweat one time when he was suddenly a few inches away from me!!"

"Okay hakkai i think you woke up to more than just cold sweat"

" saw right through me" said hakkai while covering his face in shame with both of his hands

"Okay. Does anyone..! Know what to do to make this god damn sleepless nightmare thing go away!"

"All i keep hearing are the same gosh darn rumors everywhere!!"

"What if we find his grave or something?"

"And what? Plead to him to stop giving us nightmares or something?"

"Shut up okay! I've been having less than 3 hours of sleep these past few days! My mind isn't working fully!"

"Besides we don't actually know if he is 100% dead already"

"You know what frick it i'm gonna make a shrine of this hanagaki takemichi and beg to him"

"....baji gone nuts.."

"Do you even know how this hanagaki guy looks like?"

"Of course i don't you idiot of a banana!"

"What ya say..!?!"

"Alright you two stop it alread—"

"Do you know about hanagaki takemichi..?"

All of them froze in place hearing the exact same voice from before they wanted to speak up and ask but their voice won't come out that is until "Do you want to know about hanagaki takemichi..?" Their eyes widened wanting to nod in response or say yes but the voice and the sudden change of atmosphere disappears in a second.

All of them let out a big sighed and finally breath again

"What the f*** was that..?!!"

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