Chapter 14

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It has been officially 9 years since I have left my then boyfriend

My boyfriend I had was very abusive towards not only was he sexually assaulting me he was also physically abusive towards me

He used to literally beat me he would always punch me in my stomach it was times when he would punch me in my stomach so hard I literally just wanted to cry

He used to hit me on my shoulder he used to push me around me

It was times he would drag me around he did so by grabbing my wrist

Other times he would hit me on my neck

He used to be very controlling he told my friends not to talk to me and not to interact with me

He didn't want me to talk to other guys he didn't want any guys interacting with me

He tried to find ways to monitor my Facebook and my other social media networks

He was possessive over me at times too

I tried to leave the relationship the first time and it was so hard to leave he ended up sexually assaulting me and then he hit me

He was mistreating me so much

He used to call me rude names too

The second year of the relationship was the worst time

After time went by I was able to get out of the relationship

I was so terrified to tell anyone that I was in a relationship that contained both sexual assaults and domestic violence

I was scared to find out what would have happened to me and I was scared of what would have happened to my mother

A friend of mine helped me get out of the relationship with my boyfriend

I get counseling and I am in the process of getting involved with support groups for young women who are survivors of both sexual assault and domestic violence

I feel so much better knowing that I am able to get support and help

I wish I knew all the warning signs at the time when I was dating him

It was such a scary experience going through everything

It ended up being a good relationship in the beginning and then it became a unhealthy relationship full of abuse

I am very thankful I was able to get out

I am thankful that I didn't lose my life

I am very thankful I survived

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