chapter six

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Watching him sleep brought all kinds of content to my heart. I cannot believe that he is willing to give me a chance. Looking at his face and studying it makes me realize how much he changed in three years. His hair is shorter than when he left three years ago and looks just like his wolf's fur. He obviously gotten older but what kept me captivated was his remarkable beauty. His skin is so pale that makes his pale lips, pale blue eyes and raven black hair stand out. He looks so much like his father not really having any of his mother's features except his mother's shortness even though he is taller than his mother. My mate was one of the most beautiful men I ever saw, not that I had my eyes for anyone but my mate. He could pass as a male model if it wasn't for his shortness.

As I admired his beauty I didn't realize that he was awake and staring right back at me. "Morning love" He greeted with a smile that melted my insides and warmed every inch of body. Just by his smile alone I can feel myself getting a little excited but I quickly pushed that thought aside before I did something that I will regret. "Morning beautiful" I whispered and I can see how his checks turn into a deep red. I kiss his lips softly and slowly get up from the bed. "I have to go to the elders but I will be back as quickly as possible okay." I told him. It took him a while for the words to sink because he was still half asleep. He quickly sat up and looks at me with shocked written on his face. "The elders wanted to see Me." he whispered but I could hear it clearly. I moved towards him and cupped his cheek. "No need love I will sort everything out." I told him softly and brushed his lips with mine and I can feel the electricity shocks building between us that made me kiss him again but this time with much force and hunger. I climb on him, our chest pressed tightly together. My hands are tightly locked in his beautiful raven black hair and his was exploring my chest.  I broke the kiss and stared in his pale blue eyes. His lips curve into a smile and I feel like my body was on fire. "Babe, we have to stop or we will lose control." I whispered in his ear and I can feel he shiver in pleasure under me. I get up and pull him with me and made our way out of his room just to walk into his dad.

"Luke? What you doing here? The elders are waiting." He said surprise filled his face and voice. He looked from me to Adam and slowly raises his eyebrows giving us a questioning look.

"I asked him to come over and I guess we fell asleep." Adam defended himself and looked like a kid being caught stealing a cookie. His father smiled and walked to his office saying that he has business to take care. Adam turns to face me but looking more to his feet than my face with a blush creeping on his cheeks.

"So how long is this meeting?" he asked still looking at his feet. I put my two fingers under his chin and lift up his face so that he is looking at me. I didn't answer him but instead gave him a quick kiss on his lips then on his forehead. I took his hand and lead him down the stairs. We stopped at the front door and I turned to him. "Not long I can't stand being away from you long." I said to him while opening the door and gave him one last kiss and walked home which was not that far from his house, probably a few blocks away.

When I got home I see my father pacing on the front porch talking to him. If I wasn't worried that there was something wrong I would have found this sight really funny. I walked up to the house and my father stopped when he saw me and he looked really angry for some reason.

"Where have you been?" my father asked in a calm yet deadly voice. I gulp down the lump in my throat. "With Adam" I answered, my voice braking a little. His face immediately softens and a smile made its way on his face but it went quickly went to a frown.

"When did this all happen?" my father asked while walking into the house but before I can answer my father I hear a scream and the next moment I know I'm being tackled to the ground. "What the hell Courtney! Get off of me!" I told her. She looked a little hurt but didn't care what I said. I got up and anger of my wolf just seemed to talk over.

"WHY THE HELL CANT YOU LEAVE ME ALONE, I HAVE A MATE AND I DON'T WANT YOU. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD IM NOT INTERESTED. GOD WHY DON'T YOU GO FIND YOUR OWN MATE." I shouted and stormed off to my room. I went to my bathroom and immediately put on the shower and striped me naked while waiting for the water to become the right temperature. I climbed in and I instantly felt more relaxed. After a few moments of enjoying the warm water I started scrubbing myself clean. I got out of the shower after putting off the water and walked into my room to the walk in closet and put the first clothing I saw. I picked up my car keys and got out of the house so that I can be on my way to the elders.

The ride wasn't long because of my anger I was breaking speeding laws but that didn't stop me. I got to the elder in a few minutes and parked my car. I took a minute to control wolf but I can feel that it's still restless because of Courtney. I can feel that he wanted Adam even I wanted Adam by my side. I got out of the car and made my way into the building where the elder's usually have their meeting. When I made my way into the room I saw them patiently waiting.

"Luke I hope that there is good news." Elder Kurt said without any emotion. Both of their faces were blank of emotions. There were twelve elders for each pack but in this room was only two. Elder Kurt was heartless and ruthless. He was the one to always come up with the punishments. He had long platinum hair that reaches the middle of his back and jade green eyes. He had an abnormally large nose but it sorted him in a way made him look more handsome than he already is plus he was in his early thirties. Then there was Elder Jade, she thought more with her heart than her mind and is a very king woman. She was in her late fifties and her dark hair was beginning to turn grey. Her eyes were grey that look cold but she wasn't. She had a knowing smile on her face as though she knew why I came instead of Adam and I bet that both of them knew the situation already but out of respect you came to the elders personally to them the news, not that you needed to.

"He is willing to give me a chance but I was be announcing that he is my mate tonight so that we can start with our alpha duties." I said calmly not looking away from their gaze.

"By time, your father is getting weak while you getting strong. I and Elder jade will personally be there to talk to Adam and make it clear to him that if he leaves again then its death for him." Elder Kurt said in his cold voice that sends a shiver down my spine. I nodded and left. I sat in my car and took my cell phone out and see that Adam called me. I immediately called and him and after the fifth ring he picked up.


"Hey Adam we have to talk." I said to him quietly afraid that I might upset him if I speak any louder.

"Sure, come to my house than we can talk." He said and I can hear the smirk in his voice.

"Be there in fifteen minutes or more." I said and ended the call without saying goodbye.

Fifteen minutes later I was parked outside of his house. Adam was waiting on the pouch for me and when he saw me his face instantly lit up. He stood up and practically ran in my arms and mumbling I missed you before attacking my lips. We were at it till our lungs were screaming for air and eventually broke apart.

"So what did you want to talk about?" he asked letting me go and pulling me to the pouch.

"Tonight I'm announcing that you are my mate so that we can start our alpha duties because my father is growing weak while I'm strong which mean that he won't be alpha for long and the only way I can be alpha is that I have my mate by my side." I said to him and I can see the fear in his eyes.

"What if I refuse?" he asked me.

"The elders said that if you refuse or run away again then its death." I answered barely in a whisper but by his reaction I can see that he heard it. I look down to my hands worried that he will refuse and yell that he rather take death than be mated to me but the out bust never came. I look up to see tears running down his face and immediately I put my arms around him to comfort him and whisper sweet nothings in his ear. He stopped crying after fifteen minutes and started drawing patterns on my chest with his finger.

"Will you only be announcing me as your mate or will you have to announce me and mark me?" he asked not looking at me and continues to draw patterns on my chest.

"It's your choice but I will still have to tell the pack that you are my mate and marking you is just a way to show that you are mine but if you don't want me to mark you tonight then I understand." I answered trying to calm his nerves and not pressure him into something that his not ready for. His face brightens but went into a frown. "But it's not fair to you." He said. "Don't worry about me I want to make you happy and you worth the wait." I told him and meaning it. I'd do anything for Adam and if his not ready to be mark or the mating ritual then I'd wait forever.

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