Chapter Twenty Two

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sorry for the long wait... school work got in the way. I think that im almost done with this book which for me its an accomplishment so yeah. And... i think that if you have been paying any attention to what you have been reading you would have noticed what my favourite number is, the first on that guess what it is gets a dedication....

on another note please check out my new story 'THE DEAL' and tell me what you think...

so for the moment that you've been all waiting for....


Chapter Twenty Two

Adam POV

In a day three weeks would have gone by and nothing interesting really happened except a dull pain in my heart that was getting worse as the days went by. The dull pain in my heart that I had since the kidnapping has slowly started to intensify and made me miserable because I knew that it was because of the distance between me and my mate. All I feel is right now pain and my body is becoming weaker as each day goes by. All I ever want to do is sleep and it got to a point where I would sleep most of the day or even sometimes the entire day. A sharp pain goes through my heart that got me out of my head. The pain is so much that I hunch over with my one hand over my heart and the other on my knee hoping that the pain will go as quickly as it came but it didn’t. It last for a full minute before it faded to the dull ache that it was before. The ache that resides in my heart never goes away. It’s a never ending dull ache in my heart that gets fuel by being away from my mate and it gets worse when I’m missing him and think about him. My mate, that’s all that’s been on my mind lately. I cannot seem to stop thinking about him and it got so bad that I forget to eat at times. Most of the time I lose myself in my thoughts of Luke or being back home with my family and even when Rollo is here to keep me company I mostly ignore him, I mostly get lost in my thoughts. “Adam?” I hear someone call me but it sounds so far away that I ignore the voice and once again start thinking of Luke. “Adam...?” I hear my name once again and the voice was saying something else but again I ignore the voice. “ADAM!” someone shouted at me which startles me out of my thoughts. I blink a few times before I look around realizing that someone was shaking me. “Can you please stop?” I said softly but hard enough for the person to hear. The person stops immediately after and pulls me into a hug. “You weren’t responding and I got so worried.” the person whispered in my ear and I can feel the warm air from his mouth caress my ear. I didn’t respond to the hug. I didn’t want this person to comfort me nor did I need it. All I wanted was to be left alone. I wanted to get lost in my thoughts once again and pretend that I’m home with Luke. “Let go of me.” I said and few seconds later the strong muscled arms that have been holding me in a standing position release me just for me to lose my balance and fall on the bed. I get on my hands and knees, and crawl into a comfortable position and ended up lying down on my stomach not paying any attention to the person that is in the room. “Adam get up Damius wants to speak to you.” I raise my head just to see a worried Rollo. I let out a sigh and drop my head back on the pillow. “Adam, please get up. You know that he hates waiting he has no patience.” Desperation was clearly in his voice. I didn’t move from my position even though there was a small part of me wanting to get up but there was another part of me, a bigger part, which kept me rooted to where I was. I didn’t care whether Damius would be angry and take it out on Rollo or worse on me. I really didn’t care that I was possibly putting my life in danger. It didn’t matter to me anymore because Luke wasn’t here. How can I care about anything when my mate that kept me from drowning in this depression wasn’t here? “Please get up Adam. I’m begging you. He said that you might get to see your mate.” he said his voice was soft and still had a rough edge to it. He tried to coax me by trying to be gentle with me. I let out a snort but still didn’t say anything. I didn’t move at all and I slowly started to drift back to sleep but before I could fully fall asleep the door opened roughly and banged against the wall that give me such a fright that I fall out of the bed. I groaned in pain and looked up just to see an amused looking Damius. “Oh I see you up.” He said in an annoyingly cheerful voice. I glared at him and got up from the floor with the help of the bed that was next to me. “What do you want?” I asked my voice void of emotions but inside I was raging. I wanted to rip Damius head off for keeping me away from my mate even though I understand his reasons for kidnapping me but still it doesn’t stop me from hating him so much that I’m willing to kill. The only time I ever felt this kind of rage was when I tried to kill Scott and regretted it right after I realize what I’ve done but that time I was not in the right state of mind and didn’t realize what I was doing till it was too late. Now even though I know that I’m slightly not in the right state of mind (because of the distance between my mate and me), I knew that I wanted to kill Damius and my wolf wanted his blood. My wolf wanted to taste his blood, making him bow down in submission and rip his body to shreds just for making him feel so in distress.  My wolf hasn’t spoken to me since the kidnapping. His really angry at me for letting this happen. My wolf is too stubborn to realize that none of this is my fault and that I didn’t want to be kidnapped and deliberately kept away from my mate. “You don’t have to worry your pretty little head over what I want. All you have to do is do as I say and maybe I don’t have to punish you for disobeying Me.” his voice was cold and deadly but the emotions on his face didn’t match his voice. His dark brown eyes had a sparkle in it but if you look really close you could see the insanity that resides there. “You really want war don’t you? This whole thing that you set up is just not to kill the Elders is it? You want more don’t you? So what is it Damius, what do you want beside the death of my Elders?” I said and this time a little of my anger seeped into my words. He looked taken back but quickly covered it up with a cheerful but cold laugh that resembles the laugh of an insane villain. “Maybe I have a hidden agenda but in order for that plan to work out I need you. Don’t worry your precious family will be safe even though it would be easier if you and Luke were out of the picture. I will admit Adam that I have a soft spot for you but don’t think you can use that against Me.” he said all the while he had a deranged smile on his face. “You’ve always been smart Adam. When I first met you I was speechless. You looked so much like my late wife that I could have sworn that you her twin. But I knew better, oh how I knew better.” He paused, he looked at me and his eyes were twinkling with delight. He slowly moved towards me and bends down close to my ear. “Get up. We going to visit that pack of yours and maybe just maybe there won’t be too much blood shed.” He whispered his warm breath caressing my ear which gave me an unpleasant shiver. I wanted to say something to him but the moment I open my mouth but the words seems to escape me. I wanted to shout at him and tell him that he has it wrong. That there was only a few people that help the Elders kill his wife. I wanted to say that there are innocent people in the pack who had no idea what the Elders did to him. I wanted to say that and much more but the words couldn’t come out. He gave me one more look before he walked out of the room leaving the door open, a clear sign that he wanted Rollo and me to follow. I let out a sigh of defeat and got up slowly trying to lessen the pain of my protesting muscles. “Adam…” “I don’t care what you want to say Rollo. Can you just stop? Every time you open your mouth I wish you could just shut it up.” I cut him off knowing what he was about to say. “You know that I’m only trying to help.” He said hurt was clear as day in his voice. “What help? You call this help? What exactly have you done to help me?” I asked in disbelief. He wants to answer me but was cut off by Damius calling out to us telling us to hurry up. I gave Rollo a glare just before I turned my back towards him and walked out of the room.

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