The Broom Cupboard

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"Ugh! You slimy bastard!" Elisabeth Malfoy yelled as the door slammed on her face.

There were sniggers behind the door. "Good luck!" then footsteps dying away. He was gone.

Elisabeth frowned. What did he mean by good luck? She took out her wand and pointed it on the door as she had expected it to be locked. She muttered a few spells but all came out was small sparks from her wand. She cursed under her breath.

There was a giggled behind her. Hazel Potter, who had been at the corner of the room, leaning on the wall giggled.

"What?" Elisabeth snapped furiously.

"Don't you get it?" Hazel pushed herself away from the wall and walked towards the girl. "We're trapped in the only broom cupboard that is magic proof."

"Are you kidding me?!" Elisabeth kicked the door, hard. "Darn!" she yelped as she realised she had done the wrong thing, her toe hurt a lot.

5 minutes ago...

"Hey Malfoy!"

Elisabeth turned, her expression darkened as she saw who had been calling her. Potter.

"Hey Malfoy." Hazel said after she had caught up to her. "What's up with your hair?"

"There's nothing wrong with my hair. Please go away, we aren't friends." Elisabeth said coldly.

"Our parents might've not have positive thoughts about each other, that doesn't stop us from being friends." Hazel gave a hopeful smile and extended her hand.

She completely ignored her hand. "No, imagine the look on my fathers face when he knows I've been making friends with the Potters. He's been disappointed enough that I wasn't sorted to Slytherin. So- YOU!" she pointed to a tall boy behind Hazel, who seemed to be trying to creep behind them.

He had flaming red hair, freckles sprinkled over his face and very familiar brown eyes.

"Hullo Elisabeth Malfoy." he waved at her, with also a very familiar voice.

"Another Weasley?" she exclaimed. "I've seen like 5 of you!"

Hazel had been laughing hysterically but was shut up by the boy.

"Shush, Hazel. Anyways, Malfoy, my name is Fred Ronald Weasley, named after my deceased uncle. The other 4 you saw was Fierra, Fiona, Gregor and Georgina. I am the oldest out of the 5 and Georgina just joined Hogwarts this year. My dad wanted to name us like the iconic initials, F and G. I think it's pretty cliche but eh." he shrugged.

"I certainly did not ask about the background stories of your.. names." Elisabeth said.

"Alright, since the ice had been broken.." he trailed off. Elisabeth wondered why when he shoved her and Hazel hard to the nearest broom cupboard, slamming the door shut.

"Since we're here and we can't leave, why don't we have a chat." Hazel said and dropped to the ground.

"Fine, to burn time. But that doesn't make us friends." Elisabeth sighed.

"Let me start. Hmm... what's your favourite colour?" she asked.

There were slight hesitation before the other girl answered. "H-hazel. I just like the combo colours."

She smirked. "Never knew you liked my name."

"God! You're such a Slytherin!. Elisabeth whacked her on the shoulders.

"Well I am." she said. "It's so weird how a Potter became a Slytherin."

"Ohh! Remember the reactions when the hat sorted you into Slytherin? It was pretty funny." she laughed.

5 years ago...

"Potter, Hazel?" McGonagall said as the hall went silent immediately.

A young girl stepped out of the line confidently and walked to the stool, sitting down. The hat was placed on her.

"Another Potter I see. Hmmm.. You have a very complicated mind.. The Potters were always very hard to sort..." the small voice said in her head. "A Hufflepuff? No, socialising is the last thing you'll do.. Hm.. A Ravenclaw? You have a lack of intelligence and creativity... A Gryffindor? You have great confidence and bravery.. still not enough.. how about a SLYTHERIN!"

There were many gasps. Obviously everyone had expected her to be sorted into Gryffindor.

"Slytherin? No way!" a voice said from the Ravenclaw table.

"A Potter in Slytherin?" another voice said from the Gryffindor table.

"Hey it's also pretty weird for a Malfoy to not be sorted into Slytherin." Hazel rolled her eyes.

"I guess intelligence won over."

"Anyways ask me a question."

"What is your favourite colour?"

"Black." She said. "My dad disagrees with me, he thinks that black is a shade, not a colour. But who cares?" A smile returned to her face. "My turn again, what's your biggest turn on?"

Elisabeth picked up her book on her lap and whacked her, hard.


The conversation went on for what felt like hours. Slughorn who was passing by heard the noises from the cupboard and set them free.

"Oh dear! It's already after curfew! What were the two of you doing in that broom cupboard? It's not brooms, not human!" He exclaimed. "Come with me, we're heading back to your common room- Well not Malfoy, but Potter, come."

"Bye Elisabeth!!" Hazel waved as they went separate ways.

"Goodbye Potter, see you never!"


Elisabeth dropped to her seat beside Hazel and scowled.

It was Defence Against the Dark Arts class, and the professor had paired them up for the class work.

"Back again as a team." Hazel smiled.

"We were never a team." She scoffed.

Hazel sighed. "At least we're friends."

"We are definitely NOT friends."

"I can't believe it, it worked! Both of you are talking to each other now!" The familiar voice said behind them. The duo turned their heads quickly from shock.

"You! You locked me in the cupboard yesterday! With this idiot!" Elisabeth pointed her wand at Fred's nose.

"No raised wands please." The professor frowned. "Also Weasley, you're a Gryffindor, your class is tomorrow. This is for Slytherins and Ravenclaws only."

"Can I change to Slytherin?" Fred jokingly said.

"You wouldn't want to." Hazel muttered.

"Oh dear cousin, you know I'll still love you regardless of your house. Anyways see you guys! Bye professor see you tomorrow." He skipped out of the classroom briskly.

"My uncle Ron said he acts like uncle Fred and uncle George when they were younger." Hazel said as Fred had disappeared from sight.

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